
You buy a “cup”... girl please! You’re telling on yourself. Watch that DIY channel. Life in the wilderness, with your honey, 5 feet of snow, firewood to carry, no damn warm socks and a PERIOD! THERE WILL BE A “CUP” for the other kitty pretty soon. I’ll just rot here by myself!

Too damn sentiments exactly. NOT that I’m totally against the tiny movement but I prefer to peepee on the first floor (literally) rather than the attic floor which drains to the kitchen sink. Ya’ll too funny! LMBO!

Too cute!

Too stinking cute!

I just gotta tell SOMEONE...If I hear “open concept” or “functionally” one more time this week, I AM GOING TO SCREAM LOUD ENOUGH for YOU to hear me! Love my HGTV shows but sick of these terms.