You fuck off. People who pay have the right to demand the quality of what they’ve paid for. Period. End of story. Anything and everything else are the words of a scammer.
You fuck off. People who pay have the right to demand the quality of what they’ve paid for. Period. End of story. Anything and everything else are the words of a scammer.
You know, people who pay $60+ for a game have every damn right to feel entitled to quality. They’ve paid for quality, and they have the right to demand it.
What happened?
I bet your head would explode if you learn that intersex people exist and that “genitals” aren’t nearly enough in a lot of cases to determine physical sex.
The stress on his endocrine system and his heart must be enormous with the shit he does constantly and he will pay for it sooner or later. He’s got to stop.
I get all that. What I don’t get is why his scam was so obvious (once someone does begin to dig into it). Why his plan was so dumb? It was really dumb.
I just don’t get what was going through his head while concocting this plan.
This argument falls apart in the face of a virulent racist, grifter and sexual assaulter who was elected as President despite being a terrible candidate in every possible way.
He’ll make it either way just by running again.
I don’t see how the two things are mutually exclusive. He’s old, Jewish and too Liberal - just popular enough to draw the attention and split the vote, but not nearly popular enough to actually win. That’s the whole damn point. Which went over your head and into deep space because you’re just as obsessed with your…
How sad and pathetic one must be if the foundation of their community is weight. I am saying that as an overweight woman. That is the most important thing you identify with? How fat you are?
I see Jezebel’s tongue-in-cheek coverage of this revenge porn story continues. Cute. I hope someone Peter Thiels this garbage site too.
Please clarify “I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle”. Do you disagree with their LGBT clothes? Or their LGBT food? Or their LGBT entertainment? Their LGBT coffee? Their LGBT jobs, their LGBT hairdos?
They’ve done it before, paid for it, and clearly learned nothing. I hope they pay for it again.
He sent the stuff to his mistress, a MAGA relative of hers got a hold of her phone and sent it to The Enquirer, allegedly.
Sympathy? From a site that was founded and owned by a company that went down for publishing revenge porn and whose editor doing the publishing said that the earliest age of a victim of revenge porn he wouldn’t publish is 4 years old? Surely you jest.
Jezebel’s principles only ever apply to people they like.
All this is very funny, Emily, until one remembers that this is also a case of blatant politically motivated revenge porn. I was going to say that this site purports to be against that sort of thing, and then I remembered that your parent company got taken down for revenge porn itself. LOL you’re the same kind of…
“On one side, they make you afraid, and the other side they make you feel stupid, and you get stuck in this middle where you feel beat up by both sides,” she said.