
*adult males

I have little doubt that this guy is a sexual predator himself.

The cops need to go through this guy’s digital devices, I wouldn’t be surprised if they found child porn there.

Them bisexuals and asexuals don’t exist apparently.

Oh, shut up.

You’re assuming he’s capable of empathy. He’s a sexual predator who jokes about murdered children, I’d say that he wouldn’t know what empathy is even if it hit him in the face.

Don’t do the Joker dirty like that.

Kids affected by gun violence have no business talking about policy regarding controlling gun violence? 🤔

I just want McCree/Hanzo porn. Where do I find that.

What complexity? They parrot the same arguments as the right-wing bigots, only they hide behind “feminism” to tote their bigotry. The only people seeing “complexity” here are the ones agreeing with their bigotry.

So we have fuckers who have never been public servants in any capacity and now want even more power so they can get even more money and also have the morons like you who vote for them because they worship money and power and think that by voting for said fuckers you’ll become one of them because reasons. The space

What the fuck. What the fucking fuck. It’s a dead piece of meat, not a person, why not remove it from the woman like they’d remove any other dead, rotting piece of meat out of her?!?!? IMMEDIATELY?!

Fuck that shitstain. He should be grovelling for the rest of his life and it still wouldn’t be enough apology for the lives he’s ruined and maybe even taken. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

Congratulations Frida, you noticed what made Bundy such an efficient serial killer!

Being evaluated for what exactly? Being happy kids? Fuck these shitstains.

When someone calls you a faggot all diplomacy can and SHOULD go out the window. People hurling such slurs are not diplimatic and they deserve no diplomacy in response.

She’s French, she doesn’t live under a rock on another planet. Of course she knew about his past behaviour. That does not preclude naivety and thinking that it won’t happen to you. Brown is a monster and he has long belonged in jail, which is the only thing that would stop him from hurting women.

Whatever you say, Jerry Sandusky.

So why are you giving her attention?

...Or maybe american English wasn’t their first language... But hey, whatever makes your imperialistic ass feel superior.