
I do. Don’t marry a man who doesn’t want your kids. Don’t put your needs above that of your children. If you can’t do that, don’t have bloody children. They shouldn’t pay for your flaws and for your mistakes, and if you make them, FUCK YOU SIDEWAYS WITH A FLAMING CHAINSAW.

Men project their issues onto women a lot.

Actually, they weren’t. The reason people believe this is because the average is considered much lower due to the enormous rate of childhood mortality. People who did survive their childhood had a good chance of surviving to their late 60s and 70s, sometimes even the 80s.

Has no issue with sex-trade workers but thinks their work somehow is beneath a lawyer. Hypocrite much?

I don’t generally believe in judging a book by its cover, but with some people the evil inside is so intense that it shows on the outside too. This ghoul is only 33.

So you’re saying that a mental illness should not be treated as prescribed by a medical professional because it is not, in fact, an illness (according to you)? Iron-clad logic.

Don’t forget Yahoo Groups. Years later I am still salty about those.

Some context - the majority of content creators on Tumblr are women, so the pornography (and by pornography I refer to art and fiction, not real life content) they have created was created by women for women, and as such it was a very female-friendly place. The internet is full of pornography, but the majority of it

I mean, they have a big nazi/alt-right “community”. They can stay catering to the nazis and the anti-porn puriteens.

It also says illustration. Fanart is a bust.

It’s also virulently misogynistic, period, regardless of whether the misogyny is aimed at cis or trans women.

Nah, it’s a very unfunny joke.

Major Victor Cornwall and Major Arthur St John Trevelyan - the only way I can describe my reaction is

I actually found Kassandra to be far more convincing in terms of voice acting when she plays the alternate role when you don’t choose her. She’s bloody terrifying then and I loved it.

Mark my words, it’ll turn out to be an incel.

Tbh, if you ever see your child (or anyone else) with that kind of fever call an ambulance or bring them to the ER immediately. Seizure is a real possibility when a person’s temperature is that high.

The point you moron. It went over your head and into deep space.

Well, I loved Donte and DmC so I am fine with that.


That was my first thought tbh. Why isn’t HE resigning?