Eh, hard pass.
Eh, hard pass.
Now imagine a male performer doing that. There is nothing liberating or empowering about pornography, regardless of whether a woman “chooses” to engage in it. Men don’t give a damn whether it was your choice or not, they are just enjoying the show the piece of female meat is providing. What it wants and chooses to do…
The stepfather, the prosecutor, and the people who continue to legislate these hateful laws into existence.
She’s the Black Widow we wanted but didn’t deserve.
Yeah, I’m judging, and hard. Even if you have bad sex kids come, and the strife in bed gets carried over to the rest of your life, and onto your kids. No kid deserves to be subjected to the consequences of your poor life choices. So fuck you for not fucking before marriage.
I am perfectly fine with calling this shitbag a babykiller. That is exactly what she is and that is exactly what the rest of the comm members are. There’s nothing trolly about referring to them in this way.
He legit reminds me of a little brat I saw in a store some time ago. He was about 5-6 years old and was throwing a tantrum to get his mom to buy him something. He made a scrunchy face, opened his mouth and screamed, got red in the face while pretending to cry, suddenly paused with a completely calm face and opened his…
First of all, Richie, there’s no such thing as non-forced conversion “therapy”. No sane adult would subject themselves to that if they didn’t live in a society that punished them for being gay. And as for the not so sane ones, they would be subjected to therapy to help them overcome their issues, not to conversion…
I think it’s perfectly plausible. Americans are woefully ignorant when it comes to history - even their own history. Even their own recent history. But hey, they know all the details of the Cardi B vs Nicki Minaj feud.
Everything they said is factually correct. This is how cultural exchange has always worked. Anyone with basic understanding of art and fashion history is aware of it, only xenophobic, ignorant douchebags with an inferiority complex who are looking to feel special don’t. The concept of “cultural appropriation” the way…
On one hand, “Heil Hitler” is something you should not be saying at any age for any reason. On the other hand, there is something extremely perverse in adults digging up the tweets of a 12-year old child and judging the adult for them. Frankly, I judge those adults far more harshly for doing that than the child for…
This better be real leather.
The point is his own rabid misogyny, as usual.
Funny thing, I had the exact same experience, only I didn’t study “a bit”. I studied for many long years, their language, culture and history. Whatever fangirl feelings I had at the beginning gradually withered away and over a decade later mostly revulsion and indifference remains.
And modern communication started when? Less than 150 years ago. From a historical viewpoint that’s NOTHING. The cultural exchange between these countries has been going on for centuries, even milennia, compared to that the modern era and its consequences are irrelevant.
Japan has liften half of its language off China - the kanji are Chinese characters. Their pronunciation has changed over time, and modern kanji are often simplified compared to the originals, but they are absolutely Chinese characters. Hanami, the tea ceremony, the Confucianist beliefs, etc.etc. whatever aspect of the…
The while idol industry in Japan and Korea is utterly repulsive. It’s legalized child exploitation - physical, emotional and more often than not, sexual. The whole thing should be burned to the ground and then the ground should be salted.
I grew up in a communist country and our individuality was already violently and virulently erased by its system. School uniforms were one of the tools that system used. Fuck school uniforms.
The title states the situation exactly as it was. A female individual had an abortion at a certain stage of her pregnancy. The rest of the details are in the article. What do you suggest the title should be? Lemme guess, “Slutty whore murders her baby, goes on to have an abortion party afterwards”?
Phyllis Schlaflies.