Ha, suffer.
Ha, suffer.
Male socialization (and the lack of proper one) is part of why men abuse. The socialization of a child is parental responsibility. Of course mothers are fucking responsible for it! As are fathers, but this article isn’t about an organization called “Fathers for Kavanaugh”.
You should have a whole galaxy of stars.
She makes subversive porn in a market that is saturated by subversive porn. I don’t see what’s the point of writing an pretentious think piece about it.
The roided up shitstain who habitally raped his own little sister would fit right in among the rest of them.
I couldn’t have put it better. Not to mention that the arrogant hack is mad that the people who wrote the W3 scripts are far more talented and skilled writers that he could ever hope to be and rightfully gained all the recognition.
And once he realizes how much he lost, after spending years and years bashing those people - those very same people who did their best to treat him fairly - and turns around and wants to sue them? What a giant douchenozzle.
You’re making baseless assumptions. CPRD practically begged him to take the royalties options, repeatedly sent him messages about it, he demanded to get the lump sum there and then and they finally caved. Blaming them for his poor decision making is ridiculous.
This stupid, greedy fuck. They attempted to treat him fairly and he spat on their efforts, now that THEIR work has gained recognition and profits he wants in on the pie. Fucker wants to have his cake and eat it too. The biggest irony here is that the people who wrote the actual game are far more talented and skilled…
FINALLY. This better feature a pond option.
If that is the only they can do, they shouldn’t be doing it. Period. Employees first and fuck everyone else.
No. Their duty is first and foremost to their employees. You sound like an entitled fanboy who wants his game here and now and fuck any actual human beings who will suffer for your entertainment.
Absolutely. She’s trying to make a comparison between the constant whinging by MRAs about aaaall the poor men who get wrongly accused of rape men and the Drefus Affair and as a consequence she sounds like an ignorant, anti-semitic moron.
Whitney, I know that you’re an American, and as such history not pertaining to the jingoistic empire you grew up in means nothing to you, but not clarifying that this convicted pedophile will be making a movie abou the Dreyfus Affair, one of the most disgusting anti-semitic scandals in his history, makes you look like…
So why did you immediately assume birth control = abortion?
The only way a protest can work is a general strike. Stop going to work. Stop offering any services to anyone for anything. Stop making money for your bosses. Grind the gears of the country to a halt and they will take notice. Not that you’d do it.
How was Kyle Maclachlan believable as a fifteen year old boy?
And this shitweasel totes herself as a victims’ rights advocate.
I know.
So you do want to join the locusts then? That really explains everything about you.