Does he age like a bloody hamster because it couldn’t have been more than a few years between DMC4 and this.
Does he age like a bloody hamster because it couldn’t have been more than a few years between DMC4 and this.
This Dante WISHES he was Geralt, he looked like a Bloodborne character.
It really is. That’s the tip of the ice-berg. The developer was consistently obnoxious, baity and rude and alienated pretty much everyone. They shot themselves in the foot, because DmC was objectively speaking a good game. Then I played Vergil’s dlc and I wanted a sequel even more, but alas, that’s not happening.
DmC gets a lot of hate because the developer REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY dropped the ball during the promotion phase. They were incredibly rude and dismissive of fans, they made weird homophobic ads, the initial Dante model was 100% based on the head developer and a blatant self insert, the whole thing was a giant,…
Vergil never looked tacky and mediocre.
I love the original games, but the reboot gets shat on very unfairly.
Except Reboot Dante somehow ended up being hotter. DMC5 Nero looks very bland.
He’s cool, but Vergil better make SOME appearance.
1. YES
Are you going to ask what the little succubus was wearing too?
Castrate him, lock him up and throw away the key.
Woman points out a man is talking shit, man reacts with fantasies of committing violence against said woman. I rest my case.
If you take pride in misogyny the rest of us are more than free to take pride in what you refer as “ignorance.” Stay mad.
So in order not to get attacked by misogynists we should just continue giving them what they want. Sounds like a productive plan.
Nobody’s going to fuck you voluntarily no matter how much you whine on the Internet.
Women existing is politics now? How is it going through life while being that weak, pathetic and fragile?
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I’m not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
They were stunned by the manner in which it was conducted. But then again, I am not surprised that a shitheel who wants to join the locusts lacks the empathy, basic human decency and critical thinking to make that important distinction.
Oh honey. I don’t care. In a decade, when you get chewed up and spat out several times by the people you defend - and who I don’t doubt you hope to join but are unlikely to - you won’t care either. Good luck. You’re going to need it.
I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you, that a man who as a boy sexually assaulted one woman and saw no negative consequences then went on to become a serial offener. Not.