
In my opinion the jackass and the piece of shit is the one who looks at an abuse victim and its torturer and decides to emphatize with the torturer just because the victim turned around and defended itself.

I wish death to neither bullfighters nor to the hunters who kill animals for sport, but I feel neither sympathy nor empathy when their targets for torture and murder turn around and give them a permament taste of their own medicine.

Killing an animal for food - preferably as quickly and efficiently as possible - is miles away from torturing one on an arena to entertain a mob. It’s a ridiculous argument justifying animal cruelty.

So you find it easier to put yourself in the place of someone who causes pain and death than in the place of someone - or something - who or which is subjected to those. For entertainment. Of a mob. And my take is bad. If it wasn’t so repulsive it would’ve been hilarious.

This isn’t a matter of disagreement. One disagrees with opinions. Abuse of people and animals is not an opinion, it’s an abhorrent act that anyone possessing basic human decency would and should reject. What is wrong today is people like you, who view acts of cruelty to be of the same weight as acts of kindness,

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

Good old cultural relativism, excusing and justifying cruelty and bigotry you can afford not to care about personally.

An animal abuser got killed by the animal he was abusing for the fun of a disgusting mob. There’s no tragedy to be found here.

The chemistry in the trailer alone was blatant and you calling it forced says more about you than about the writers.

Please define artificial gay as opposed to natural gay in fictional characters.

You’re entitled to your wrong opinion about Uncharted 4.

DmC Dante still ended up being a smartass, if not as exuberant one, but they just acted in such a snobby way that it pissed the entire fanbase off and the game failed. And, as I said, it was a pretty good game, objectively speaking. Too bad, I would’ve liked to play the sequel.

I think a lot of people hated on DmC so viciously because the developer’s PR game was horrible, they were arrogant and not at all accomodating to the old fans, wanting to do their own thing. I was one of the haters for the longest time until someone convinced me to actually play the game and I ended up enjoying it and

WTF did they do. WTF. WHY. That shit’s just painful.

Better as an adult than to modify the body of an infant incapable of giving his consent for it.

The original peoples practising male circumcisian in the Middle East did it out of hygienic necessity - regular high temperatures + lack of access to clean water + foreskin = INFECTION. They dressed it in religious talk to make it more palatable, it has nothing to do with psychosexual issues.

They already repeatedly said they weren’t directly copying prints. Educate yourself and study some art history - world art history, not just European art history. Artists get inspired by each other. That is how art develops, progresses, evolves. That is essential to the process. You will see the same thing over and

I hate to break it to you, but if you studied some basic art history of ANY peoples anywhere ever you’d have been aware that “culture” is not immutable and always comes from somewhere - often from somewhere else and someone else. It’s a perfectly normal process. You westerners just hide your xenophobia under the

Right? RIGHT? Study the art history of any two neighbouring peoples and you’ll notice how much they’ve taken from each other - sometimes under pretty violent conditions - but in the end overall outcome for art is positive. Always.

I will never understand Western obsession with the so-called cultural appropriation. You’re up in arms about a perfectly normal, natural process that has occurred between different peoples since the dawn of the first human civilizations. The end result can only make you culturally and emotionally poorer. You wish each