
:D :D :D You’re not a person to be dehumanized to begin with, troll.

Why are you trying to reason with this psycho troll, it’s uncapable of rational thought, empathy and basic human decency. Do like I do, enjoy its histrionics for the entertainment they provide.

Cry moar.

Right? What do they have against Ceasar?

Insult to Ceasar tbh, the guy was a lot smarter, charismatic and capable than Dump.

My first reaction to the new Dishonored game:


Jacob was one meh character out of TWELVE.

It’s incredible to watch the temper tantrum of supposed adult males who have been taught from birth that everything’s allowed to them, that the world is theirs and revolves around their dicks, when they are denied access to something as simple as a SINGLE movie screening out of multiple screenings of that movie. The

And just like her victims, her kids never had a choice in the matter.

Frankly, a man who dumps a wife of 15 years who bore him six fucking kids for another woman should be ostracized for dumping her. That is less about the divorce and more about being a cheating shitbag.

An arranged marriage is acceptable if one does it the modern Japanese way - a consenting adult goes to an agency to look for a partner among other consenting adults looking for a partner with that agency. Everything else is questionable at best, abusive and manipulative at worst.

You’re a sexit pig anyway for making that comment. :)

You honestly think he wouldn’t kill you for food almost right away?

What’s the context of this picture?

If negging works on you I recommending looking at yourself, your choices and working on your self-esteem.

Human dignity should never be left to the decisions of a mob a referendum.

I am ready, able and willing to behold Colin Farrell with everything I’ve got.

Male feelings are so fragile LOL.

I bet if the women on the vidya game battlefield were in chainmail bikini with tits large enough to give them scoliosis you wouldn’t be bleating about the ~aesthetic~.