When I read shit like this I wish I was a fire-breathing dragon.
When I read shit like this I wish I was a fire-breathing dragon.
When a man makes such comments you always gotta wonder how many people has he raped up to that moment.
I have seen such a dog up close and personal and they’re terrifying. No one who doesn’t have extensive knowledge about dogs and these dogs in particular should own one.
Actually they’re incredibly aggressive and very difficult to handle. If properly raised though they will listen to only one person and will be incredibly loyal to them.
Her naivety - there’s no need for quotations marks around it, creeper - consists in her inability to process the long-term consequences of his actions. Someone who doesn’t understand the long-term consequences of a sexual relationship, be they physical or psychological, is unable to consent to a sexual relationship.
No, teenagers aren’t oblivious. They are intelligent, hormonal, impressionable and vulnerable, easy prey for the likes of this guy, and by the looks of it by the likes of you.
No, she thought she knew what was going on and was interested because she was an impressionable, vulnerable CHILD being groomed and manipulated by a predatory ADULT.
Really? Really?! REALLY?!
There is a huge difference between didn’t consent at all, “consented” but wasn’t really mature enough to make that decision, “consented” but wasn’t in a position to refuse
There is a massive psychological and physical difference between a 15 year old and a 18 year old. Get bent.
Marrying off little girls to grownass men is also considered normal in many countries, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful to the victims of those so-called marriages.
No, it’s not a dad thing. It’s a sexism and misogyny thing. Your daughter is not your property, she’s a real person, with feelings, thoughts and desires of her own. When she becomes an adult, she’ll fuck. She’ll fuckity fuck fuck and there’s nothing your pathetic, gross, sick, pseudo incestious ass will be able to do…
So if it was your daughter you’d kill him, but other people’s daughters are fair game. K.
Women attacking other women should be housed in male prisons?
Fuck off.
Nah, society is progressing and it’s leaving you behind. There is no freakshow, just abandoned dinosaurs like you who are mad that they becoming more and more irrelevant. And that is a wonderful thing. Stay mad.
Gender-reassignment surgery does not involve cutting off dicks. But of course, a transphobic POS like you wouldn’t have bothered to learn something about the people that you hate.
repeatedly called for the execution of five innocent African-American children;
This is some Sunless Sea shit realness.