
I feel like I need a shower just from watching the trailer, yuck.

Sooo, what’s the more egregious piece of vapourware, this or the so-called FF15?

Wow, Richmond’s one transphobic dumster fire, isn’t he?

Good, well-meaning doctors have also been mutilating the genitals of newborn intersex children for years too.

Eh, is there a bathing suit that doesn’t make people stress about their pubes.

Please point out a swimsuit that does all the things you’re whining about. The burqini doesn’t count.


A man capable of empathy. LOL that would be the day.

I wasn’t bordering on calling him a sexist. I WAS calling him a sexist. And I still am. Just to clarify. Sexism and misogyny pervade every aspect of our culture and society, so calling a man who claims he’s not interested in gender but in results a sexist IS erring on the side of caution, especially when you’re a

I still don’t support book burning. Copies of garbage like this should be kept around to be used as an example why people are horrible and what NOT to do. The rest can be recycled into toilet paper.

Why do I always find your opinions to be in such poor taste.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. Erring on the side of caution, however, is never wrong. Especially when the writer is a man.

I have very mixed feelings about this.

Learn the term “microaggression” and why it’s so important.

You know you’re a jackass. Congratulations, here is a gold star for being self-aware and doing nothing about it.

Grownass person has found a new job. This is newsworthy why exactly? Did you think she’d have stopped working just because she got fired once for being an asshole?

Re that edit: Oh, fuck off. You know exactly what you wrote.

Doc has the privilege NOT to think about gender. Which is exactly the problem.

And while we’re at it:

Disgusting comments like this are an excellent reason why these lists should contain works written by people who aren’t white men.