Meanwhile Lochte’s damage control tour has already begun. Damn, to be a white male athlete is the shit.
Meanwhile Lochte’s damage control tour has already begun. Damn, to be a white male athlete is the shit.
Actually if we exclude the archer guy the rest are really pretty.
So you think that social activists shouldn’t have regular jobs? Shouldn’t support themselves and their families?
I would really someone rather knock so I can tell him “It’s busy” rather than them trying to open an even locked door, kthnxbai.
Asshole, it’s called knocking. Learn how it’s done. It will probably require less effort than it did to write the screed above.
Not even remotely good. Imagine him presiding over an acrimonious divorce or a child custody case involving abusers.
Yeah, they’re saying it NOW, after months and months of shilling their game and calling it open-world, practically using that phrase as a selling point. Fuck them.
Why are you feeding the troll.
We already got that you’re blaming the victim, there’s no need to spell it out for us. Now go back under your bridge.
I bet you also have black friends.
What do you think about the fact that we do not live in a world where women are actually free to choose to sell their “goods” without external pressure - be it psychological, physical or purely financial? What do you think about the fact that choice when there are no options is no choice at all? What do you think…
Drag this piece of trash!
Do you support our right to NOT have our bodies sold? Do you have our right to not be reduced down to our bodies, regardless of whether our bodies are sold or not? Do you support our right to live in a world where we don’t have to sell our bodies - or more often than not, have our bodies sold - to get ahead? Do you…
“Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny.”
Freedom of speech!
There are many talented, hard-working people out there who aren’t complete jackasses. Genius doesn’t excuse being a mess and treating other people like dirt.
I wouldn’t have had an issue with men watching porn, if current mainstream pornography didn’t present sex as such a violent, degrading act towards women. We’re being reduced to pieces of meat to be abused and degraded, both physically and verbally. If you’re an adolescent and you watch this day in and day out with…
Pornography has always existed and will likely exist until there are human beings, but, BUT the main issue of its current existence is that mainstream pornography has become so utterly violent and degrading towards women. It doesn’t just present a sexual act, it presents a violent sexual act, it reduces women to…