Excuse you, those assholes never believed there was such thing as sexism, misogyny, rape culture, etc...
Excuse you, those assholes never believed there was such thing as sexism, misogyny, rape culture, etc...
1. “Support a woman’s choices just because she’s making choices” is one of the most toxic, vile, detrimental and self-destructive concepts that feminism has come up in recent years. If it can be called feminism.
She displays female secondary sexual characteristics and identifies as a woman but has internal male sexual glands.
Your argument basically boils down to “Everyone should compete as whatever gender they idenfity as in the name of feminism!” while completely ignoring that female competitions historically were created to give women safe and egalitarian spaces away from men trying to steal or dominate their achievements.
You cared enough to repeatedly try to shit him up.
Pre-transition mtf transexual individuals are also women, but it would be ridiculous to allow them to race against cis women.
If she’s intersex she DOESN’T have ladyparts from birth. That’s the whole point.
LOL You ARE crying more. Keep going.
Cry more.
Nobody forces anyone to purchase a falsely advertised shitty product, whatever that product might be. Only when the false advetising comes out there are usually serious consequences, legal and social, for the product manifacturer. For some reason game developers think they’re ENTITLED - nice word, isn’t it? - to an…
...You do realize that when a product manifacturer - whatever that product might be - advertises their product with “I hope my product will have these features when I sell it to you” and then sells something much shittier they will get torn to shreds, figuratively speaking, by whatever legal authorities are…
Day 1 patches happen because games often get shipped months prior to release date and developers continue working on them in the meantime. Don’t involve that in this particular conversation.
Oh, fuck off with that bullshit. People paying for a product (and paying a lot of money!) absolutely have the right to be entitled about the quality of the product they’re purchasing based on the deliberate advertising of that product.
Thank you. A client has every right to be entitled about the quality of the product they’re purchasing based on the advertising for that product.
LOL “Entitlement”. These devs acting like they’re doing people a free favour by making games. Gamers paying $60 dollars for their products aren’t looking for a free handout, they’re fucking clients who have every right to be ENTITLED about the product they’re purchasing with their hard-earned cash based on the…
He tresspassed but he was drunk while doing it and didn’t know he was tresspassing, so we won’t prosecute him.
It’s cute that you think women ever had the luxury of those things to begin with in order to lose them.