
I need the link to this gif plz

Clearly you are blind. JK JK

It’s actually not a good explanation. The Astors hitting slump or rather run scoring slump started with game 2 and the Astros are acting like they had the series wrapped up by then. Yankees had a total of 10 hits in Houston with 2 runs scored, Houston had 11 hits with 4 runs scored.That really doesn’t show hitting

I didn’t watch the whole series but was it umpiring that bad throughout the series. The Yanks v Cleveland was bad. That homepage ump was all over the place with the strike zone. I’ll only give him credit b/c he was consistently bad throughout and called the same pitches strikes and balls.

I agree TBS’s coverage is crap. Fox has been doing a much better job granted they’re experienced enough at this. But seriously I would rather MLB do what the NHL does where the local channel that broadcasts the local team’s games gets the first round. And only the national audience sees the other broadcast from an

That strike zone was ridick! But at least the ump was consistently calling it even though it was out of whack.

I have no idea how the Yankees did this. I’m a life long fan and started watching them when Mattingly was in his prime. This is close to being on par (they gotta win the W.S. though) with the ‘96 team. This team is full of surprises both good and bad. But we also need to remember Judge did sh** this entire series as

Now playing

Everyone for some reason is blaming the Yankees like they are the only ones with no protective netting. There are tons of examples in the past few years from other teams and stadiums that demonstrate that MLB’s recommended policy is bunk. I’ve been to Citi Field a few times with the netting like this and have had

I know you’re getting tons of flack on here. But the netting extension was recommended not mandated. Article got it wrong.

It wasn’t mandated at all.

It wasn’t mandated do some research please-

Actually it wasn’t mandated to the dugouts at all-

It was not mandated-

Everyone that is blaming the Yankees completely forget that literally 30 MLB teams do the same thing, only a few have extended beyond the lame and ineffecitve MLB recommended 70 feet beyond homeplate.

They weren’t told-

It recommended netting to the dugouts-


Anyone commenting on this please get one thing straight. The extra netting was recommended NOT mandated.