well it’s clear you certainly have a type(s)
well it’s clear you certainly have a type(s)
no it doesn’t make you a dick. the dicks are people who support dangerous, exploitative, and often murderous policies all day long but want no responsibility or accountability for the downstream effects of those policies. fuck them. fuck them all. being polite gets nothing done.
You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.
Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!
That video shows off a nice framerate but, does nothing to show off mouse and keyboard, definitely being played on a controller, those really slow turns around corners should have gotten them blindsided =)
If you’re like me, you’re still recovering from the life-altering, summer-changing amazingness that was the Black…
Come on, don’t be “Why don’t they call traveling” guy.
Don’t do that. This isn’t a Nintendo thread, where their rabid fanbase will always argue that having less is better. It’s a dumb attitude to have. Ever. There are any number of modes that can be put into a fighting game (World Tour Mode from Street Fighter Alpha 3 remains one of the best single player modes in a…
People with money to burn are often happier.
Sports commentator Jason Whitlock hates black people. Wait, let me rephrase.
It seems that the ghost of promposals is still haunting us, and while a lot of high school students are guilty of…
Nothing specifically personal, but I am very uncomfortable with a Mormon winning this donnybrook on Memorial Day. And before you @ me, my great-great-great-great grandfather got a pretty nasty splinter while he was waiting around for a battle to happen in the Mormon War.
“lowest-common denominator entertainment to the widest-possible audience”
I love when my employer decides to pay me with shit I don’t want, instead of money.
Even a Fox reporter understands that if you enable people to kick reporters’ asses, their ass is next.
I’ve lost count of how many crimes I’ve seen
richwhite men get away with despite audio/video proof.