
Stop. Seriously. Shaming Democrats who clearly did come out and vote for Hillary (hence her pop vote win) doesn’t do shit. She was a shitty candidate, but plenty of folks held their nose and voted for her. You want to be mad? Be mad at the Trump voters. They are truly to blame, because they chose to vote for that

Yup. 2009+ Grand Vitara

Well. All I’m seeing is Injustice 2 and Tekken 7. SF5 is dead to me.

Wrong Gizmodo sub-site for this. All you’ll get here is whining “MY tax dollars...wah.”

PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.

where I live they use the “license plate light was burned out”

How do you leave a toaster on? What kind of fancy ass toaster you using?

Yay another law enforcement branch that can be filled with neo-nazi and militia supporters!

Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so

I don’t believe that the BLM/ALM comparison is apt, because there most certainly IS widespread tacit acceptance of a certain moderate level of physical force being used by women against men, who are then (rightfully) expected not to respond in kind. Most attempts to suggest that such violence is ALSO wrong quickly

I don’t mean it to be a comment that women have special protections. Obviously you shouldn’t hit women. The problem I think is that you can easily see violence between men as not a problem — “let them work it out”, “he was just getting what he deserved”, “boys will be boys”. It presupposes that men are inherently

 Stop. Hitting. Men

What would white folks in America wear, listen to or do without black people?

Yeah...this is how I see that going. Except you can replace the water with anything... walls, curbs, other cars, street lights, sign posts, trees, animals, loved ones. The list goes on and on.

Best way to create a demand for something is to make it difficult to obtain. Way to go Nintendo you sold a bunch of consoles without any software worth playing on them.

The term has sort of morphed into meaning“30+ lady I’d like to fuck” among some creepy pervy porny circles in recent years