
Part of what this show did so well was make you root AGAINST people who were trying to do the right thing.  With Forest Whitaker's Kavenaugh character, for the most part he's clearly in the right—in any other show, he'd be the good guy, trying to get these crooked cops off the streets. But the show does such a

I've always had a soft-spot for Shane Black's scripts. Even when they are inherently stupid and insanely over the top (The Last Boyscout; The Long Kiss Goodnight), they are incredibly entertaining. And Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is  kind of a masterpiece. It's nice to see him getting back into the mainstream again.

Wow. I am not a big Iron Man fan (I thought part 2 was garbage), but this looks fucking incredible. And I hope it's a gigantic hit so Shane Black can get some real clout and start making more movies.

Linda, please, I'm gonna have to find a new place to eat—

Man I've really come to love this show. The first season was amusing but didn't hook me entirely. But it just gets better and better with each episode. Never in my life would I ever think an episode about a talking toilet could be so charming.

"What? No it's not." "Yeah it is." "No, it's not." "Really? Then who am I thinking of? Bob Burgers?" "No—" "BUT THE SIGN—"


"I'm so sorry—he's an idiot." "Hah, I'm sure."

I always thought it was big jeans, but now I'm starting to think big cheese is correct…

There are no Pan-Asian supermarkets down in hell, so you can't buy Golden Boy peanuts…

Is this the spot where I can state the obvious—that Pinkerton is my favorite Weezer album and the last time I ever liked anything they did? IS IT???

I read St. Lucy’s Home For Girls Raised By Wolves and just couldn't get into it. I don't know if I was in the wrong frame of mind, or if I just don't like Russell's writing. That said, the story about the presidents reincarnated as horses sounds both charming and annoyingly quirky-for-the-sake-of-being quirky….

"The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side!" "That's a right triangle, you idiot!"

God, the ending-bit of Camping, where the old woman plays the piano while Ben tries to escape, only for it to cut to Ben later saying "Yeah, she died like twenty minutes after that" is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I completely lose it whenever I watch it.

"Okay, weirdo."

"Is it chocolate?" "Even better—it's dirt!"

Also, Donna totally killed in Correspondents' Lunch.

"I lost my father when I was 10. I don’t have any brothers. And Ken Burns never wrote me back…" That whole scene was  simultaneously
heartbreaking, touching, and funny. Amy Poehler once again proves that she should have ALL THE AWARDS instead of NONE.

This was a solid hour. The wedding episode was as touching as Parks can get (the "I love you and I like you" really got to me) and the Correspondents' Lunch was one of the funniest episodes of the season. I LOVE depressed Andy, and hope there's a bit more of him. Pratt did some of his best work here. "Oh I'm

Carnivale is a show I really wanted to like; I love the concept, I love the look of the show, I love the period setting. It all sounds SO COOL on paper. But watching it, I was underwhelmed. It felt like there was so much build-up that lead to nothing. I know that's not entirely the show's fault, as it got cancelled