Uhg, I hate it when child actors grow up to be charming and lovely and talented and well behaved. Total Hollywood cliche.
Uhg, I hate it when child actors grow up to be charming and lovely and talented and well behaved. Total Hollywood cliche.
Pregnancy is not an illness or a health condition or a disease.
12. Getting all snuggly in bed and realizing you left the hall light on.
I spent 6 months in what sounds like a nearly identical job working 16-18 hour days where I gained nearly 20 pounds, started smoking again, and would regularly burst into tears in the bathroom. My boss screamed at me in front of my coworkers at least three times a week. But it was a "great startup" with "tons of…
I'd like to do that study also. I'd also request a set of barbells and 1000lbs of iron so I can get a video of me bench pressing over 1000lbs. That's the main reason I want to go to space.
What universe are you living in? I rarely spend over $50 on an article of clothing and I've had most of the clothes in my wardrobe for years; those that do get ruined are usually because I drop food on them and they get stained, or I leave them too close to the rat cage and the little buggers love to pull things…
I think it is weird to drop $100-$200 on a blouse when your salary isn't going to be any more than $45k. Tops. They're working beauracracy in small town America. Most blouses are going to be picked up at JC Penney and TJ Maxx.
Maybe they go shopping in Eagleton.
One thing I liked about True Blood — the first season, at least — was that the costume department said that they didn't want to have a waitress in rural Louisiana dressed in Dior. So they specifically went after Forever 21 and Delia's and other stores that a girl like Sookie would actually shop at.
It sounds confusing (as bra shopping can sometimes be), but this could help you save some time selecting a bra that will actually fit.
I'm a picky eater, but not for health reasons. I just genuinely don't like a lot of food. I have hated peanut butter and oatmeal since I was a child. My disgust for them both is that I will gag reflexively if I'm forced to eat them. Nuts of all kinds specifically really bug me. I can't eat if I can smell peanut butter…
Telling your vegetarian/vegan friends that they can eat a dish with chicken broth in it is a dick move. No, they won't die but they might get diarrhea or just be really, really, justifiably pissed at you for being such a dick.
I thought the content and her ability to make it up on the spot was hilarious, not because she's a white woman rapping.
"if a man comes home and there's no dinner on the table, and his wife is on the phone, watching TV, or on the computer ignoring him, he won't feel respected."
I just got into Parks and Recreation, (I have been binge watching for four days and I've just started season 5) and oh my gosh Amy Poehler is THE BEST.
Also, I choose to believe this is how she ends all appearances.
Am I the only one equally annoyed by the "My Perfect Boyfriend" squad? He made me THIS candlelit dinner, and then brought me THAT vegan dessert, and then told me this and did that... and on and on.
I'm going to go over to this corner now and die alone. kthnxbye.
Exactly. To use a particularly classy turn of phrase: "shit or get off the pot."
So, Mr. Smith, before you were stabbed were you wearing a shirt? When the knife pierced your chest did you specifically tell your attacker to stop? When he stabbed you the second time did you bother to say "No" in a firm clear voice? When you walked around being a jerk earlier in the day, weren't you pretty much…
Because there is a valid argument made by experts within the field that mandated condom use may actually increase the risks it aims to prevent. The same cannot be said for hard hats.
Richard seems too formal for a late-night chat show.