
Thanks!! :D I had some time to kill at work so started googling around for “Michigan creepy houses” and then specifically for houses mentioning tunnels. I learned a lot about historical Michigan mansions in the process!

I thiiiiink I may have found it? Harry Bennett’s castle in Ypsilanti seems like the closest match. None of the posts/articles I found say anything about the lion status, but he did apparently keep lions on his property, and there are two tunnels specified. Plus he was involved in all kinds of shady dealings for Henry

Two points about Tom I thought last night while watching:

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this story

I feel the same way about privacy, and I’m baffled by people who don’t (like those people who have loud arguments about money on the bus, or call their doctors from the work bathroom – seriously, wtf?).

Hi, I’m 100 years late to this thread, but there was this show on the Food Network around 10-12 years ago called Ham on the Street, and in one episode he got people on the street to try grilled cheese with jelly combinations. He posited that any type of cheese + any type of jelly + any type of bread would be

AND - Tamina

I’m not crying you’re crying shut up

He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole. It’s so satisfying to watch him throw all their bs right back at them.