
You missed a golden opportunity to post what is one of the best insults of all time, from FFIV:

Ok but hear me out

Alex Trebek very briefly had a beard recently, and when he shaved it he broke my heart.

Same, I am kind of obsessed with her.

“A MAN has sparked outrage”

I am honored and privileged to have awarded this comment its 69th star.

Yes, I really resonate with this comment. I’ve only been with my husband for 9 years and I’m only in my 30s, but if anything were to ever happen to him I don’t think I would ever want to date again. Just like you said, it is exhausting. It’s hard to express those feelings without feeling guilty, but it’s the truth.

Music by Jenny Lewis and Florence and the Machine?

I don’t really give a shit about the wedding itself but I DO love and care about fancy hats.

Yes. Killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing…gnodab.

The one about the stairs in the woods? That freaks me oooouuuut.

As someone with nearly identical measurements, I both want the link to your ebay shop and know that I am bound to be disappointed because I never know what dang size I am in anything, everything fits differently.

I live in Pittsburgh, where this never went away. :/

Have you tried any Almay mascaras? I had to stop using They’re Real (and I’m still sad about it) because of my stupidly sensitive eyes, and a friend recommended Almay. I’ve been using their one-coat multi benefit and while it’s not as life-changing as They’re Real, it’s decent and doesn’t immediately cause my eyes to

Christ. I’m from Westmoreland County originally and this does not surprise me at all. Every time I’ve visited my brothers in my hometown recently, it’s just been pro-Trump and super racist anti-Obama stuff everywhere.

I see you posting this at 4:20.

I too live in Pennsylvania, and I watch Jeopardy every night. I’m drowning in attack ads. :( 

I was so hoping this would be related to Vegan Youtube Drama, my most favorite of all the dramas.

Ashley Feinberg is a national treasure and I will never stop laughing at all the people who are angry about that Pokemon Go article.

I would enthusiastically contribute to the Kickstarter for your legal fees.