
It’s not unfair. The NFL is a business. Players, coaches and owners all say it. Players talk constantly about their “brand”. Kaps brand sucks. He single handedly ran fans out of the stadium in SF. Everywhere he played he was booed NONSTOP. They booed him at sports bars. Sports radio blasted him in his HOMETOWN.

Kap sucks. Instead of being a consumate pro, going about his trade in a tasteful way....he thought we have a rip about what he thinks. We watch football to get away from politics. Noone wants to hear about faux social injustice from multi millionaires. Dude will never have a problem in his life and he wants to preach?

To date no evidence exists. This is because this “story” is a smoke screen to cover Obama and Hillary.

Smart man. Has nothing to do worth agreeing and everything to do with not having uneducated electorates deciding the election completely. America isn’t a democracy and the founders made it clear that wasn’t what they wanted. NO MOB RULE

But if Hillary won the EC and Trump won the popular vote....not a word. Everyone needs to just shut up about this. The electoral college is a balance on massive population zones. You may think your vote doesn’t count but when your state votes your way it does. Think about California. It has 55 votes. Most in the

9 million people have coverage thru the ACA. That means 9 million people have insurance by someone elses tax dollars. I understand the story. It’s designed to make me feel pity for the person so they can make us decide to change or minds on the dumpster fire that is Obamacare.

Time to go home and let the justice system do its thing. Protesting does nothing but make WE who are sick of your perpetual state of outrage not care.

I love how they call it aggressive rhetoric. OK. Fine. If it weren’t for the sissy la la rhetoric of ex president Barry Obozo this wouldn’t be happening. After 8 years of America’s foreign policy essentially being, “hike up her skirt and let everyone have a toss” a more assertive perspective is refreshing.

What’s sad is you lefties are more interested in turning America into an open borders hell hole like Europe. Let’s fix our problems before we add to them. Instead of making something or of nothing so you can have something negative to spin focus on actual news reporting. Not editorialism which is all hacks like you do

BTW these protests are thousands of people gathered to piss into the wind and litter on a mass scale so that local people are left to collect their tissue and stupid signage.

OMG what ever will the rest of the world do? You mean socialist Europe which has had the US as a military shield so they can be nanny states will now have to defend themselves and use their own militaries to solve the squabbles of the world. Oh the humanity. The US can use their own military workout having other

What a shameful act. She represents her constituents not herself. Trump is president. The sooner she and the mouth breather who scribbled this article get it thru their neanderthal skull the better. Govt is supposed to work together. This is quitting before they even start. The Democrats have no leverage in govt at

Well if the NY Times said must be true. Queue eye roll. Anonymous sources...Roll on snare drum. Real journalism would be greatly appreciated in this awful Era of editorialized news ON BOTH SIDES.

So let me get this right. An elected representatives of the people has decided the election they voted Donald Trump as president is invalid? Is his job as a duly elected representative to attend for his people he represents.

Awwwww poor liberals got their feelings’s not like MLK created civil rights or passed the legislation. The legislation was started by Eisenhower and was being implemented by Kennedy and Johnson. America has a lot of history some good, and some bad. By erasing the bad and creating a false new history doesn’t

The only people this isn’t working out for is you leftists who have sand in their vaginas. Trump isn’t even in office yet and is bringing jobs back to the US that were destined for other countries.

More rantings from the defeated. instead of focusing so heavily on what you think will happen focus on what is happening. There is more optimism NOW in our country than at ANY point during the last 8 years. That’s what you want. Happy people are productive. Trump is going to have to fulfill the majority of his

The purge of people believing climate change is real has begun? Could it be because climate change is a theory that was discredited by its creator? Could it be because every climate change model has been completely wrong? Could it be because the environmental lobby really is a wealth distribution scheme to shift money

Van Jones is so unpopular. his whitlash comment was so racist that he deserved an honest butt kicking. Now CNN is trying to rehab his image that is on life support.

Trump won 200 counties that Obama had won equating to 85% of American policies. This isn’t a racial issue on republican ends it’s an issue on democrat ends. White voters didn’t make the difference as the mainstream liberal media contends but, minority voters. Trump did much better than McCain and Romney in that area.