This was something Ford was doing BEFORE the tariffs. Nice try leftists. This has more to do with Americans appetites and CA and its absurd fuel requirements in the near future for cars.
This was something Ford was doing BEFORE the tariffs. Nice try leftists. This has more to do with Americans appetites and CA and its absurd fuel requirements in the near future for cars.
If the person kicked off the plane for stinking were white not only would you not care... you wouldn’t have heard about it. Who is racist again?
She went yield? She just won’t shut up. Talking over someone and “resisting” only shows her lack of respect and maturity. If she talked that way to the people she represents she’d get knocked out. But she will speak that way to fellow representatives who represent other people. Think about it folks. She’s a loud mouth…
Im sorry.. this lady is a fraud. How many millions of dollars has she made from being discriminated against a half century ago? This isn’t Jim Crow Georgia. She lives in the most culturally diverse state in the country in the richest country in the world. She also DOESNT LIVE in her district. She talks big game but…
You know like the soon peace in N Korea the lowest unemployment in the last 50 years, 3% growth Obama never had, lowest black unemployment EVER, rebuilding the military....cutting taxes, rolling back stupid regulations to create jobs. I could continue
With age comes wisdom. Believe it or not lefties most Americans are conservative even if they call themselves progressive. We welcome you to join reality with us
So every single one of you losers are expected to give the portion of money you save under the tax cut to the federal govt.
Reporters are not children? They are tools and dogs of the leftist media. The hypocritical left with their easily hurt feelings. Now roll over.
This is idiotic. Gun ban will never happen. States with the most draconian gun laws have highest gun crime. European nations have more gun laws than us and prohibits most people from owning firearms and despite having a smaller population has more mass shootings.
People who wait this long to report “crimes” should not be afforded credibility. ESPECIALLY in Hollywood. The deplorable casting couch culture has gone on for decades. These losers know the score in order to make millions and Lord over us. #nosympathy
And THESE are the people who are telling us WE need to surrender our decision making process to?
What most of us don’t realize is moody countries give you prison time for illegal immigration. Regardless of illegals intent it IS against the law. It’s not up to law abiding citizens to determine intent, that’s law enforcements role. This guy did his part and reported crimes in progress. Boo on you for advocating…
Everything free sounds great... then comes the Bill. Nothing govt does is efficient or cheap. It will cost OVER 5 trillion JUST to do what insurance does now. Where is that money coming from?
This was stopped because the plan is based on false premise. There is no pay gaps. In a country scared to death of legal battles over discrimination, the only people who get screwed out of jobs are white males. This fact has run true ever since Clinton rolled out Affirmative Action, which was legalized discrimination…
This is an absolute embarrassment for America. We should not tear down monuments of any kind. Monuments serve as a reminder of our past. Failing to have a historical record only guarantees we are doomed to repeat it. There were many causes of the civil war and only one is on paper because history is written by the…
While I’m not a supporter of the confederate cause I do read history and can do math. Union armies lost 25% more soldiers and more battles than the south. This was a war of attrition than winning battles. The south had less people and the 240k they lost was more than they could bear as opposed to the 410k the north…
You are a clown. Sit down.
This preposterous article tales the position of some self imposed moral high ground. Get off your high horse. In America people are allowed legally and morally to have differing opinions. Only in the leftist universe are preference and differing opinions vilified.
and this is the thought of an enormous segment of America. For 8 years social justice took the drivers seat while actual justice got kicked out of the car. This alt right movement is the response to leftist attacks on millions of Americans lives. Not just whites. People who don’t subscribe to the leftist agenda. We…
I know how to stop violence from occurring at protests.