Peter Van Buren

Heard the same stuff when Bill Clinton committed adultery in violation of UCMJ making him unfit to command, heard it when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell came out, heard it after “Muslim” CINC elected. Yet nobody quit, refused orders, etc., and a handful of anecdotal, anonymous sources is pretty close to meaningless. Army alone

All this seems to do is try variations on, not really very useful or innovative.

Thank you for saying this about upgrades/special seats. I read article after article about how to get free upgrades (dress up, arrive early) and of course someone will always say "it happened to me" but decades of flying say not anymore. The airlines upgrade for money or miles. If they hand out anything it is to their

Trader Joe's also stopped paying for health insurance for its workers and instead directed them into the ACA program to sort that out for themselves.

How much per hour is only half the question; the other is how many hours a week these places offer their workers. I am sure few to none offer 40hrs a week.

They should ask them to clean the restrooms, too. That proves, um, that they know a lot about coding, or something.

So why not skip the code test altogether and just offer them a beverage? If they say "sure, some water please' hire them on the spot.

It makes sense if the job offered is for a janitor. If they want a great app designed, it is pointless.

How pathetic. Silly tricks like this are just a lazy way to quickly justify cutting candidates without thinking. There are many reasons not to throw away stuff, and a company deciding somehow that it only means one negative thing is idiotic. Is it a good thing for Hub if I sweep up a bunch of loose documents off the

All theatre. 9/11 was a one-off that has been used by evil people to keep us in fear and justify everything.