Ghost In The Seychelles

Will you implode if it keeps happening? Because I will gladly add my two cents to make it happen.

Please tell us more about completely hypothetical situations that you apparently have omniscient insights about the outcomes.

The middle winglet is clearly the superior piece. Drummette only guy is a monster. (Side note: ate fried chicken with a new love interest this weekend, and she went all in on the end piece, which has meat eeserves a most it’s bony labyrinth. She’s such a keeper, I would pay upwards of $75 in my next fantasy draft, and

Don’t you dare ever let anyone dull your shine

Boy, this is unexpected. Reneging on agreements is completely out of line with what I know about American-Indian relations.

It’s as if Golllum and Jeff Sessions double teamed a giraffe, and their unholy seeds merged to form this creature.

Taft was the Kingpin of presidents.

Have enjoyed your work for a while*, and this made me audibly laugh in public 6 months after the fact.

My college friend from Atlanta (who is also a “fan” of the teams from every school he attended, and every city he has lived in or had a plane layover in [former is 100% true, latter is /s, but only barely]) spent the entire next day talking about how the overtime rules need to be changed. I called him out as a


Good point. I also think the lack of violence tends to breed less “tribalism” among fans, and, maybe, the dominance of black players means less racist crowds—though that is an exceedingly optimistic conjecture that falls apart when I think of the racist NE Philadelphians I know are at Sixers games even if they aren’t

These entries are always an exercise in good ol’ fashioned “Why so serious?” schadenfreude, but Darrel’s e-mail was legitimately, tearwrenchingly touching. Godspeed to you, and to all the fans who had their memories and year-in year out goodwill and fandom prison-fisted by The Hands of Spanos.

I think you’re the one missing the point.

No Cleveland, you do not get to compare yourself to the Sixers. For all the legit detractions and defenses of the Process, there was a legitimate rationale behind “one player can redeem our team” in the NBA. Sixers fans knew the team would be losers for a while; Browns fans keep getting suckered into supporting a team

TBF the state went for a person currently under investigation by the FBI, so maybe that’s considered a bonus in Ohio?

Yea, Colin Kaepernick certainly isn’t as good as Dan Orlovsky and Mark Sanchez amd certainly not as good as (insert who the fuck ever) led (what ever fucking team) to the Grey Cup last year.

Still in America, though.

Porque no los dos?

“tortuous logic”

I’ve always wanted to be buried in the ground like a plant, so the worms and microbes would dispose of my remains and some futurehuman can discover my bones when they set down from a rocket pack jaunt over the barren wasteland of what used to be civilization.