Disagree. Kristaps wasn’t considered as good of a draft prospect as Okafor, and his development is a credit to him, and a nod to the lack of certaintu in analyzing prospects in general; not a detraction from Hinkie.
Disagree. Kristaps wasn’t considered as good of a draft prospect as Okafor, and his development is a credit to him, and a nod to the lack of certaintu in analyzing prospects in general; not a detraction from Hinkie.
Damn good work here. You’re quickly becoming my favorite around here, and by a considerable margin.
You can’t just say “that’s a shit idea” without explaining why. And the analogy you offer is just an absurd reduction, if that; it doesn’t relate at all.l, really.
Alternate title: Definitive Proof that Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
No, the welfare queen stereotype is someone who is actively not doing anything to make their lives better. A better analogy is someone who is putting themselves through college by eating Ramen every night and living with 6 roommates in a shitty part of town. It sucks now, and you might not even finish your degree or…
“Imagine a Sane Donald Trump”? Sure! And let’s imagine a solar system where the sun revolves around the earth, and any number of things that are demonstrably untrue.
I, a staunch liberal, am not a fan of capital “S” Socialism. Thats when yiu start to look at planned economies and syndicalism.
Oh, so I guess Penn State is the real victim in this whole mess huh?
Don’t forget the Patrick Dennehy/Carlson Dotson scandal...their organizational priorities have been fucked for a loooong time.
You’re getting at what I was getting at ;)
Might it also be pertinent for undocumented immigrants to give copies of their documents to people they trust, so that the ICE officials don’t “lose” or destroy them? Is this a problem, whether rare or common?
sometimes ICE agents wear clothing that says “police” or verbally identify themselves as police officers.
You say losing a column, I say a few fingers if not a tongue. Potato, potahto
This shit is so weak, I’m concerned you might need Ex-Lax.
Devin “No Limit” Booker
Stupid liberals, don’t you realize that 100% of the crimes committed by (people of insert not white male demographic) are committed by (people of insert not white male demographic), whereas only a fraction of all crimes are committed by (white male demographic)? It’s math, not racism, stupid!
Why is Dom the only one who consistently uses “Washington” to refer to the team, as opposed to some derivation of the slur?
I can’t tell how much of his own nonsense he believes, but Ball is an even better sports yeller than Smith.
+1 Reye’s Syndrome
Dom is really the best. He’s becoming the Deadspin answer to Barnwell, and my own personal replacement since BB blocked me on Twitter so fuck that guy and his goddamn Giants.