Ghost In The Seychelles

The company is actually female-run. There are levels to which women can feed into the same stereotypes, but it does make for a different tenor to the conversation than implying this is some mansplsining seminar.

DisregardING the mind-bogglingly stupid doublespeak of this HOT COLLEGE AFFLETE TAEK (seriously, go fuck yourself guy), did someone suggest Santa is a “hardworking man”? Let’s look point by point:

I think about this a lot in terms of black performers, and it obviously is paralleled in every “non-straight-white-male” demographic/identity. I think that what is interesting about this is that Cho didn’t know the backstory, she just saw “Asian character casted as white actor” without knowing or paying credence to

Also, if all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops, oh what a rain that would be.

All you Arby’s haters can seriously suck my dick through a glory hile that is in the bathroom of your nearest Arby’s, but goddamn just give me 2 roast beef sandwiches and a large curly fry and fuck off.

God, for a second, I thought this was in response to eating fried chicken, period, and then I thought “stupid millenials”, and then I remembered I AM A MILLENIAL, and I’m just going to keep drinking Tully shots until the world makes sense again.

Really spent a lot of words to say nothing there.

It happens. Sometimes my Flintstone thumbs screw up that treacherous u-i-o vowel-hole on the keyboard, or swipe reads my input incorrectly, and I genuinely don’t care because I’m not getting paid. (Unlike the writer of the article who’s getting paid while erring.)

Seems like you knew what was meant despite the misspelling.

You know what I’m fucking sick of? I’m fucking sick of this narrative that the heartland Trumpers were “so worried about jobs.” You know who else was worried about jobs? Every fucking person who doesn’t have a job. Young liberals don’t have jobs, old conservatives, middle aged indies, EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT

It’s either the Boggy Creek Creature or Primator from Power Rangers.

Good point! Just looked up and it says most people took days to die from crucifixion, so that’s extra reasoning why they had to test his death. (And also, perhaps, he wasn’t really dead, and took 3 days to recover...But let’s not get into the science-rationalizing of the Bible.)

Literally. Still gave McHale the last cup of water. He was just that selfless.

Allegations of racial attacks swept aside for the glory of the leadership of a white man. Ahh, another lovely day in Trumpmerica.

A real nerd is a social outcast who is cast out for legitimate reasons: bad breath, boogers, a shocking level of imperiousness with regard to stupid shit like Star Trek, etc.

No, the spear was to test whether Jesus was actually dead; otherwise, the Romans would  have broken his legs, as was customary in crucifixions.

I am definitely not one to say “BE MORE CLASSY!” but honestly, Pryor won this “beef.” Picking on a Browns player is like a bully picking on a kid with muscular dystrophy for walking funny. This is probably the closest a Brown will get to a win all season, even  if just a moral victory.

Original sign: stupid, insensitive, misogynist

“Josh, you can’t just go around making veiled threats about shooting people. I don’t care if it was just a figure of speech, words matter!”

Agreed. If I ever go out west, I’ll spend every day telling someone, “Boy, you know what I miss about the east coast? NOT THE FUCKING SEASONS, THIS IS AWESOME, LET’S GO TO THE FUCKING BEACH, MOTHERFUCKERS.