Ghost Robot Venture

Wonderful news. Really happy to hear this.

Well it's only now starting on BBC America. Where did you catch it?

I got two eps in and bailed on account of the sheer meanness. No fun at all.

It's only running just now in the US, though.

Me too. As an exploration of lingering grief, it's absolutely heart-rending. I found it to be a deepening of the themes and world of the show. Lots of beautiful character moments throughout. I'll miss this show greatly.

Speaking as the child of someone with a Schizoaffective Disorder diagnosis, I can say it's a fucking horrible affliction.

I recently read an interview with one of the Sandy Hook parents, and it was one of the saddest, most distressing things I've ever read. The constant harassment many Sandy Hook parents have gone through from Infowars loons only compounds the horror of the whole thing. If there's a hell, I'm certain Alex Jones is going

I read that the sudden weight loss was due to a change in his insulin regimen. Peter David even managed to work it into one of his B5 novels, when Londo asks Vir how he suddenly lost all that weight.

There's also the matter of Lot offering his daughters to the sodomites so they wouldn't rape the men. So much horrific parenting in that book.

With your new host, Bud Cort!

What I discovered during the whole "Hillary's a warmonger" stuff that came from certain people on the left last year, is that you're apparently supposed to be completely against all forms of military action to count as a "true" liberal. I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

Duh. Not that it matters, really.

It's a pretty remarkable career. He's now churning out Christmas chick flicks for Lifetime, some of which have featured Eric Roberts.

I don't know if A Talking Cat?!? belongs on that list. Yeah it's terrible, but unlike the other films mentioned, it's actually made by an experienced director (David DeCoteau) with three decades of credits. It's definitely a different kind of terrible to Manos, ALS, and Neil Breen's oddities.

I'm disgusted by how many people still think he's innocent, and that somehow all of these women made it up for money. Then there's the folks who think its a conspiracy to bring down a powerful black man, which is insulting in many directions.

Screaming Lord Sutch approves from beyond the grave.

I immediately thought of WTYFGH on watching the first episode. If I really want to spend time with a sour, embittered middle-aged man who seethes with entitlement, I could just contact my estranged father. I really don't get who this show is meant to appeal to outside of miserable bastards.

It's especially weird as there are far more zeitgeisty comedians involved with the new MST3K than this show, and we know how much The AV Club likes that zeitgeist.

I only got two episodes into the first season before the bitter tone got too much. I feel like my old high school friends who married young and are now weekend dads would love it, though.

I'm not sure I'd want filmmaking advice from the man whose only directing credit is Nothing But Trouble, either.