Ghost Robot Venture

Ghostbusters II gave the stars, producers and directors such huge back-end bonuses that it's final profits were as low as five million all up. It's not like Columbia hasn't buggered this up before on Aykroyd's watch. And the remake was a better film than the depressing series of lazy callbacks that was GII.

According to J. Michael Straczynski, it's not possible for another outlet to pick it up due to contractual reasons. Unless Netflix reverses their decision, that's it, sadly.

Yeah, they had only shot two episodes when Capheus was recast. Not really a big issue in the scheme of things.

And just under a decade since the last time.

I really loved Pam Grier in Covfeve.

Given it's been launched in mid-May, it's all a moot point as it's obviously an end-of-season burn off. Oh well.

There was an Ausiello Blind Item about a month ago about an upcoming major network show that had execs panicking because they knew they had an expensive disaster on their hands. Almost all the speculation in the comments pointed to this one.

I may well get deported from Australia for saying this, but I really didn't get all the praise for Animal Kingdom. It really bothered me how sanitised it was compared to the story of the real life criminal family it was based on. Great for Jacqui Weaver's career at least, and well overdue.

Given the long lineage of Hollywood films about the War on Terror that nobody actually wants to see, this at least feels distinctive.

Thinking back to my high school days, I can definitely say I knew a few like that. Ugh.

I liked his voice acting on Drawn Together, and that's absolutely it.

I think a lot of people decide they're done with all learning after high school, and completely shut their minds to unfamiliar ideas from that point on. Hence all the griping about "kids today", "political correctness", "all music sucks now", and so on. I have no doubt that universities would be baffling/terrifying to

He's a guest on one of the first episodes of the Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast, and he talks all about how much he hated his mother, who was a liberal and a hippie, but also a total miserablist. Don't need to draw a diagram to work out how his politics formed, eh?

My friend's tutor even speculated about the mental health of the interviewees in my friend's film, which is total bullshit.

Er, documentary. I'm Australian, we contract every word we can contract, and pointlessly add things to words we've already contracted.

A friend of mine made a doco for her class about slashfic writers, with an emphasis on Supernatural slashfic. Her tutor was so repulsed by the concept that she marked the doco down, which was completely unfair.

The 3D in Underworld Awakening made me genuinely nauseous.

Less a delay and more a "no new information" deal. Take all the time you need CBS, just make it good.

Also "Sir Osis of Liver."

The Illogical Contraption podcast recently had a segment called Stapp Or My Mom Will Hoot, where the hosts had to guess what were Creed lyrics and what were Hootie and the Blowfish lyrics. Actually kinda hard to tell at times.