Ghost Robot Venture

Ah. I think I might have also been annoyed at Monkey Shines being covered by the show. I think its a great, underrated film, albeit with a silly surface premise.

Oh I get it. It's more my response to how I know of Adam Pally. Looking him up, I have seen things he's been in (Iron Man 3, Lady Dynamite), but I don't remember him in them.

I'll get there.

Literally all I know this guy for is appearing on podcasts as though I'm supposed to know who he is.

I think I bailed when they covered some animal film and June kept earnestly banging on about the "dangers" of anthropomorphising animals. I was also getting pretty tired of them pointing out obvious script/story flaws like they were clever insights.

I liked it at first, but the ads, Paul's incredibly awkward solo episodes, the tediously obvious choices of films, and the smug air of "hey, look at us Hollywood people hanging out" eventually turned me off. This is coming from someone who likes all three presenters in other contexts, too.

Imagine regular listeners of that podcast finding any one element of it a bit much.

A friend of mine texted me once to tell me "the Olsen twins are legal now, baby." Mildly icky back then (I think we were in our early twenties back then), but thinking about it now at nearly 36, super gross.

The buzz had well and truly hit by the time the film arrived in Australia. I remember seeing the film at the cinema and subsequently nagging my parents to buy an ex-rental copy on VHS.

We have six states and two territories here in Australia, and I'm going to annoy the hell out of our parliamentarians with this.

This is actually Casey Affleck's audition for the role of the Invisible Man in the reboot of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Casey is a purist for the source material and believes very strongly in playing the role exactly as Alan Moore wrote it. Very strongly.

Having listened to a few interviews with him, he does seem like a nice guy all up. More like a curmudgeonly uncle with a heart of gold.

Coming from Johnny, I can't really get worked up about this at all. He's always been a shit-flinger in all directions.

Clint Howard is a right-winger, so…

It'd be worth it just to see the audience reaction when Erato lumbers into frame. I nearly choked on my drink the first time I saw it.

Yeah, it came out here in Australia months ago. It's also been out on DVD and Blu since September.

Don't forget his role as a school bully in Neverending Story III! Probably the only interesting thing in a terrible, terrible movie.

Yeah, I've heard much the same, like physically assaulting Dwight Schultz during a political argument while making Fat Man and Little Boy. I read an interview with an Australian actor (I forget the name) who was excited to work with Cusack, only to find him extremely belligerent and prone to holding up filming by

There's also the teeter-totter mother in the extended cut of SIII, who goes from middle-American (prior to her kid getting catapulted into a tree) to theatrical British (while calling out to said trapped kid).

Coulda had a field day with The Creature From the Pit or Delta and the Bannermen, but this'll do.