Ghost Robot Venture

The general that Zod yells also has a completely different voice between the Lester and Donner cuts. So many British bit players, so few American dub artists.

Oh I do love your handle and pic there! Mathnet forever!

Unsurprisingly, this isn't available on Crackle's Australian service (none of their hour-long originals are), but I did catch the trailer, which seemed really half-hearted. At ten episodes it has already outlived the TV adaptation of Lock Stock, so there's that, I guess.

Yes indeedy.

I was so bored by part one that I've never bothered with part two. Two hours of moping, weeping and a clumsy, forced cliffhanger.

Blame the writers. He didn't write the film, and only came in mere weeks before shooting after Matthew Vaughn bailed.

The novelization of the first Burton Batman has a whole lot of strange stuff that was cut in pre-production, like Vicki getting kidnapped by the Joker (following the apartment scene) with Batman stealing a police horse to chase him down. There's also a bit where the Joker defaces a statute of Gotham's founder to

And shoots a portrait of Richard Nixon!

"By the way, Miss Teschmacher, your mother sends her love."

It was in the TV edit, and I think it's a deleted scene on the theatrical cut of II (being a Lester scene). The British kid actor was clearly supposed to be dubbed with an American accent, but they never got round to it, even in the scene that did get left in the theatrical cut.

I grew up with the extended TV edits of the first three Superman films (taped off TV) and I'm *still* not used to not seeing those parts when I watch the films on TV.

Meh, Breitbart'll snap her up by the end of the week, guaranteed.

I guess Full Moon must be partnering with someone a little more cashed up on this one, though. Back in the early naughts, they were so cash-strapped that they were making shot-on-video junk for $50,000 apiece.

I think it's all down to making a quick sale to ancillary markets, as opposed to punters actually buying individual copies. His recent films aren't made to be watched, just bought. At least his eighties and nineties stuff was competently photographed. Now it's all bad framing and poor lighting, compounded by so many

Totally agree. Almost half the brief run time of Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys is reused footage from those other films (and a badly dubbed retcon of Bad Channels' ending). Also, the writer of that one went on to claim that Band never paid him.

The first few actually had familiar character actors in them (William Hickey, Paul Le Mat, Richard Lynch, Sarah Douglas, Walter Gotell), but once Full Moon split with Paramount, it was all downhill in every respect.

Especially where musicians are concerned. We're all meant to be ultra-zeitgeisty here.


I quite highly recommend the score to Beyond the Black Rainbow for purposes of lovin'.

Could have been worse. Could have been any of Delta and the Bannermen.