Ghost Robot Venture

I often wonder whether narcissists like these have ever had their own narcissism pointed out to them. I strongly believe that most narcissists have no clue that they are that way, and the ones who do have it pointed out to them don't accept it.

And as Joan Chen isn't back in the new series, I presume Josie's spirit is doomed to live in that drawer handle forever.

All of Babylon 5's title sequences are great, evolving with the shifts in the ongoing storyline.

The longer Nurse Jackie went on, the more jarringly off-tone the title sequence got. That horrible theme music - more befitting a sassy mom sitcom than a dark premium cable dramedy - didn't help.

Am I the only person who watched the trailer to this and saw similarities with Roger Corman's 1982 Alien rip Forbidden World?

Those inner monologues are entirely redundant, albeit faithful to the novels. There's no reason for them to be in the film as they constantly tell the viewer what they can already gauge from the visuals. Irulan's narration makes more sense (also brought over from the book), but as they cut the scene that justifies her

Weird that it's been made into a movie this long after the original, even with the 21 Jump St approach. Was the show ever a rerun staple in the States? Here in Australia, the only instance I can think of it being rerun was on cable, and that doesn't have that big a reach here.

Sad to see it end, but grateful for what we got. It sure was unique, and gave Clive Owen his best role in years.

I saw it at the cinema and totally concur. Draining in all respects.

The middle of season two (Ben's psychosis, James' affair with the married rich lady, Josie's past catching up with her) is awkward and aimless, but the last six episodes are as good as anything from before that.

It totally blew. HIYOOOOOOOOOOO!

There's also the matter of how much each film costs to licence for the show. It might just be more budget friendly to do older movies at this stage. If Netflix orders a second season out of their own pocket, maybe this will change.


"Push the button, SON of Frank!"

By the same token, one can get extra pissed off if the project you donated to turns out badly. I've felt that way a couple of times myself.

To be fair, he's one of some 15 writers here, and he's playing a character. Maybe he'll be more palatable speaking other people's words.

Truthfully, I've never seen anything else Ray has been involved with. Sounds like a good thing I'm going in blind.

Revisiting the things that make you laugh is a bit like chasing that first high, though. You'll never quite get that same initial rush.

I know people who absolutely LOATHE the show for riffing films full stop. "Oh but a lot of people worked hard on those films, even if they did turn out bad."

Given the whole MST3K-Shout Factory partnership, I wouldn't be surprised if all the films end up being from Shout's library. If that means they end up doing R.O.T.O.R., I'll be especially pleased.