Ghost Robot Venture

You mean the star of two ultra-hacky laugh track sitcoms has some regressive views? GTFO!

I'm pretty sure there are fields of endeavour that predominately attract one end of the political spectrum over the other. I'm sure finance attracts more conservatives than liberals, for one, along with the military. My point is, the arts are generally more liberal-leaning as a whole, so maybe just deal with it.

What the actual fuck.

I feel like this one step away from Cannon's original Spider-Man project. The one where Menahem Golan insisted he be a man who transformed into a spider.

Overheard at Sony meeting:

More like Fredomount at this rate.


As an aside, I can't believe there isn't a XXX parody called Kink Kong.

Not an American citizen, ergo no right to bear arms.

I remember seeing posters for this at my local cinema when I was five years old, but I don't think they actually ever ran it. This same cinema ran teaser trailers and posters for The Avengers (the 1998 one) for months, only to not run it once the film came out and promptly died.

It struck me as sadly fitting that the one big hit DEG was involved with was Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, which they sold off to another company because they went bust.

They already have the zoom function on ipads. Something like that is enough, surely. Pan and scan can eff off.

Dino was usually one step behind the big blockbusters, though. For every Conan, Death Wish or Serpico, there's acres of slightly-too-late trend-chasing. After Jaws, he gave us Kong, Orca and The White Buffalo. After Star Wars, he turned out Flash Gordon and Dune. He tried to catch the heat of Basic Instinct with

*tips fedora*

20 years ago, he played the guy who murdered Medgar Evers in Ghosts of Mississippi. These days, it feels like his politics aren't all that far removed from that guy in terms of extremes.

I think that's what he says each time he trades one far-younger-than-him girlfriend in for the next one.

It was Pounds until 1966, then we changed to Dollars. So now you know.

ALLEGED cocaine is a helluva ALLEGED drug.

Imagine being a fly on the wall when he and Sean Young were dating. Would have been terrifying.

Oh Woods is an overt tool, alright.