Ghost Robot Venture

I've got about three Australian dollars in my pocket right now. No, you can not have it.

The most recent thing I saw him in (aside from Family Guy) was his brief appearance in David Zucker's awful right-wing slapstick comedy An American Carol. Looks like he's aged about twenty years since then.

There's also his recent, Trump-like tendency to date women young enough to be his grandaughter. Current girlfriend is 20. last one was 26. He's all class.

Or they could just recast Jane. It's not like they haven't already done that in the MCU.

If I had watched the show as it aired, then came into the movie hoping for a resolution to all those cliffhangers at the end of S2, I probably would have felt cheated, especially as the Black Lodge is acknowledged briefly. Having watched the show many years later, and knowing what the film would be about, I absolutely


Shart, or do not shart. There is no nearly.

Even though he's ultimately a total Gil.

Cherie Currie of The Runaways is a Republican, as is her ex-husband Robert Hays.

Gahan's also half-Jewish, and I bet Spencer didn't know that either.

Based on the vitriol I'm reading about Iron Fist, I expect it to be unremarkable, but perfectly watchable. Feels like any geek-targeted film or show that isn't an A+ is instantly written off as absolutely terrible. Like fandom borderline personality disorder or something.

I go through a cycle with anime.

Her and Jon Voight gonna get along greeeeeeeaaaaat.

We already knew she had terrible taste in men, but this confirms it.

I could barely get through the pilot of The Crazy Ones. It was the worst elements of David E. Kelley and Williams combined. Shrill, laboured and hacky. A real shame that it was one of his last projects.

His followers are the very definition of a cult, no question.

Season one, part two. SAY IT RIGHT, FRENCHY!

Much like organised religion, organised atheism isn't much fun.

"Why isn't my manufactured video clickbait not capturing the zeitgeist anymore? WHHHHHHHHYYYYYY????"

It's all that rugged individualism, y'see.