Ghost Robot Venture

Too fucken legit tae quit, ye doss bastard.

Nae likes ye canne touch this, likesay man.


Sharing is caring.

Nasty Austrian. Nasty, nasty Austrian.

Still a better love story than Twilight!

I blind bought Revoultion on Blu (the UK release comes with both the theatrical and revised director's cuts) and boy, did I regret it. Shockingly tedious and ugly to look at. The director's cut also adds a newly-recorded voiceover by Pacino that is badly laid over the existing sound mix.

Er, Jason Isaacs *is* Jewish.

I never finished The Patriot. After about an hour of ludicrous historical airbrushing, moustache-twirling, baby-eating Brits and mawkish melodrama, I ejected the DVD and angrily returned it to the video store.

He probably watched Jason Bourne and thought, "nah."

Worse still, Bluetooth.

Harsh, but fair.

Nah, Gareth David-Lloyd as Watson.

Jason Connery or GTFO.

There was also that Patrick Bergin/Uma Thurman one which got shunted to TV in the States, but actually got a decent-sized theatrical release here in Australia.

You just *know* there'll be an Asylum version as well, much like their Sherlock Holmes with the guy from Torchwood.

So a less depressing version of Robin and Marian, then?

Tusk is absolutely horrible, with little flickers of what could have been an effective horror film here and there. It reeks of smugness, as if Smith thought its premise was uniquely shocking - having never seen the ending of Freaks, maybe - and even finishes with the audio from the Smodcast ep where he pitched the

I used to work in a births registry. I guarantee you there are tons of little girls being named Harley Quinn right now, just as I was processing registrations of girls named Khaleesi four years ago.

It's also why I only made through one episode of Smodcast. It's tiresome enough being around stoners who think everything they say is either profound or hilarious in real life, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna download a podcast for the same privilege.