Ghost Robot Venture

If it ever does get made - and I don't think it will - I can picture a late February release that doesn't get screened for critics. Maybe released by Lionsgate.

I saw it at the cinema in 1998 and hoo-boy, those hell scenes looked videogame-tastic.

Just empty promises from McFarlane every three to six months until his death, much like the last twenty years. And the AV Club will dutifully treat every announcement as news.

Yeah, I guess it has been six months since Todd McFarlane last blew some hot air about this project.

Could you imagine the whining on their forums right now if they were still up?


Surely there are lactose intolerant nazis though. Though I sure can picture some super macho Nazi with lactose intolerance pretending they can digest milk, then dying from a completely mysterious intestinal blockage.

Lonergan fought for some seven years over the edit of Margaret. I suspect he's not the sort to take anything lying down.

Ehh, they eat spuds too.

Lots of Irish?


Furries who cosplay as Danger Mouse?

It's less his points, and more how he argues them, which is very snide. He wrote a piece about that kept referring to "Master Zuckerberg" and users of the project as "sharecroppers", for example. Another one about how Kindle Unlimited was "the death of anonymous reading" because there's obviously someone

Tired of getting mistaken for Harry Reems all his life, I'd think.

I'd really love for every single chickenhawk pundit to actually have to get onto the battlefield themselves before waxing romantic about dying for their country. There's also the matter of having to kill for one's country on the battlefield, which isn't nearly as wistfully noble as the dying part.

There's a 60-ish tech columnist for the Guardian whose basic thesis is that all tech companies are inherently evil. He basically comes off as a cranky old Luddite, which means I hate it when things like this prove his point.

If only! Amirite fellas?

He's a bit like Adam Sandler in that there's undeniable talent there, but most of his career choices have been extremely lazy and unadventurous. Given how well off he must be, I can't fault him for that, but you do wonder where he'd be if Galaxy Quest or Redbelt had been more commercially successful.

If you were born in the early 70s, you get Davis's previous strip Gnorm Gnat instead.

I did kinda wonder about Jon and his "roommate" Lyman, though.