Ghost Robot Venture

When that gossip site claimed last year they had the identity of Corey Haim's "A-list" abuser, there was a lot of speculation about Hanks.

Narcissist in minimizing responsibility for own shitty behavior shocker.

"Fawning by Needy Douche Chris Hardwick"

No one referenced the washer-dryer race from The Simpsons?

Also swiftly dispatched by Liam Neeson in Non-Stop.

How do those libertarian friends feel about the pending crackdown on legal weed? "State's rights" and all that.

True, but the involvement of tech billionaire Robert Mercer frankly scares the shit out of me.

Probably not wise to keep antagonizing people who could easily dig up the worst possible dirt on you, eh?

Here in Australia, the right-wing commentariat (which is almost entirely from Murdoch media) have a hate boner for any media which doesn't actively cheerlead for conservative causes. It's incredibly disingenuous, but it works for their base.

Just waiting for Trump to blame George Soros, really. Never mind that he's got his own evil billionaire buddy in Robert Mercer, but you know, deflect deflect deflect.

Direct all complaints to the Monsanto corporation.

He was using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife!

Reading this keeps triggering the memory of how my former housemate's room smelled.

Well The Cosby Show went off the air in 1992, so I guess anyone fresh out of high school will do.

James Woods is dating a 20 year old.

I only read last week the Daily Beast summary of what Joe Ezsterhas witnessed, and Jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ.

Don't worry, Pamela Anderson has it covered.

We're about to commence season 4 of Z-Nation as well. I have heard positive things about The Expanse, at least.

Terrific actor, capable of being big and blustery or intimate and subtle as the role required. Really sad we won't see more from him, but there's one helluva filmography to savor. RIP.

No, but I always look into the beliefs and worldview of any artist I'm interested in. Makes more sense to do that than to declare my interpretation to be the "correct" one without having done any research.