Um... I actually live in a southern state (Georgia). I was born here and have lived here from birth to age 18, and for the past few years. The majority of my extended family lives in the South, in Georgia as well as in Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee. For what it's worth, I also lived in Connecticut and New…
In the old Soviet Union, some kept hope alive with bootleg Beatles albums. Perhaps Pharrell will serve the same purpose in Iran.
Ok. I'm taking the bait. But let me begin by saying that I don't know you, and I don't know your experiences, BUT I will say that the best way for me personally to "learn about reality" has been to live in several countries. When I say live, I'm not talking about a four month study abroad stint in college. I am…
I'm so disappointed in Jezebel! How could you post this filth on the INTERNET? At least give us an NSFW rating so people would know what they are getting into. Don't you know that happy, dancing people are taboo in much of the world? Aren't you aware that young people expressing themselves to one of the most positive…
Could you give me an example of potential legislation drafted "based on a lack of faith"? I can't even imagine what that would entail, let alone how it would pass a vote.Every atheist I know yearns for politics and religion to be separate. You know, that pesky old separation of church and state.
Why can't the rational opposition just start pointing, guffawing loudly, and slapping their knees when hooey like this gets spewed on governmental floors? A tactic of wielding a chorus of loud disruptive belly-laughs would probably sink these Tea Party yahoos faster than any attempt at discursive engagement.
There are still a few states where technically we aren't even allowed to run for public office. =/
Just to jump in on the 'Oy vey' bits, I'm a PhD candidate (1 week until defense!) in psychology, so my expertise is psychological research and statistics. So every time a scientific article hits the news, I always jump into the fray (although thankfully, another scientifically literate person did me the favor of…
You are absolutely right. You were right to present your qualifications and make the point that you don't have all the answers! That is ALWAYS the right move, IRL and online.
Look on the bright side. You can use your nails to file your other nails.
Saying "Open Relationships" are Horseshit is like saying "Marriage" is horseshit. Really depends on the relationship and the couple involved.
I wish everyone would just fuck everyone and shut the fuck up.
Drew, you do know that women have a sex drive too, right?
Drew, I must say this totally reads like you're super jealous of open relationships. Also I'm pretty sure you know far more failing or miserable marriages than you do any open relationships. I have a pretty large family and I'm not sure I know even one happily married couple. Every single one of them is miserable.…
Love Drew's writing, but this is basically a straw-man attack with a limp noodle. Polygamy and varying degrees of it are pretty much the norm ALL OVER THE WORLD. And not just in the freaky countries, either. Italy's whole family structure is so paternalistic you don't dare question daddy's use of a side piece. In the…
So Drew do you enjoy pornography? Does your wife know, tolerate, or perhaps even encourage this masturbation aid? If so enjoy this degree of openness in your own relationship, and it's various beneficial secondary effects. Additionally feel free to stop making sweeping (and hyperbolically ridiculous) generalizations…
So, um, I guess actual trigger warning for people who may have been traumatized by elements of their own transgender experience.