Ghost of Mr Chicken

Tyler Eifert was primed to be an elite athlete. You are a tutor. His grasp on politics might rival your athletic abilities. How much do you bench press and what is your 40-yard dash time? If every academic had to pass a fitness test first, there’d be a lot less academics in this country.

You can do it! In the time during and since, I’ve paid off my college loans, paid off my car, got myself out of credit card debt, and I have a real savings account (in NYC!!). In the span of your lifetime, this is just a blip.

Fuck that. You take my pic, you can and least give me limited rights to reuse the image.

Here’s an idea.

For me, the most scary thing about Pennywise were the teeth. In normal form, he has these funny front teeth that are slightly too big for his mouth, giving him a cutesy, almost rabbbit-like appearance. But then when he unhinges his jaw and the huge fangs come out, brrrr. Yes, I know they were mostly CGI,but terrified

haha, yet you can afford to comment on jezebel all day. Priorities.

I was very pleased with this remake.


If you don’t want to work in a job that exploits and underpays you, quit and find another job! No one is making you do that job!

Jay Z grew up in Brooklyn a Brooklyn housing project. I think he knows a thing or two about being broke as fuck.

That’s pretty ridiculous.

There billionaires! Why Not! Congratulations to them! I’m proud of there success! I would have homes all over rather than stay in hotels. It’s excess, and gross when you try to live beyond your means and attempt this. They can’t take the wealth with why not live what you worked hard for!! Go!!!! Jay-Z and

IMO that means they forfeit the game, you may not support the guy running the country but you damn well better show that flag the respect it deserves. Whats funnier yet is that even this cant make the WNBA relevant.

Asshole move .... what its promoting is division and lack of respect for their country and the people who went to war for this country. Disgusting.

How is it a Muslim ban if it doesn’t include Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nigeria, who all have more Muslims than Iran? Is it because Nigeria “only” had a 48% Muslim population and India 14%? Well then, where are Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, which all have 99% or more Muslims

He owns the land in a state/county/township that has laws against what he’s doing......he owns the land, he’s not a sovereign country or a diplomat or anything else that makes him exempt.

Sure they would, but I think they know that this guy would never take that route - he would have done it by now.

Is it overreach when the government tells me I can’t enrich uranium on my own property?

I don’t have much sympathy for him. Anyone who has ever lived in civilization knows that there are ordinances, even in the country. It also doesn’t look like his neighbors are that far away either. One other thing to note, in the photos right now it doesn’t look like an eyesore, but come back in December when the

seems like a lot of words when you coulda just said “akiva goldsman”