Ghost of Mr Chicken

if you drive like an asshole, the cops politely hand you an asshole tag.
if your car isn’t street legal, why are you driving it on the street?

no sympathy at all for stancers.

A leftist upset about someone calling someone else vicious names? Please.

Regardless, a Google spokesperson called the claim “baseless” and explained, in a statement to Gizmodo, that “in order to be on the Play Store, social networking apps need to demonstrate a sufficient level of moderation, including for content that encourages violence and advocates hate against groups of people.

The whole “who invented zero” debate has struck me as silly. As soon a people invented counting they figured out zero. They had 2 fish and ate them, now they have zero, it isn’t difficult.

YES! Came here to say this.

I’m of the camp that less is more. Intros jumped the shark when we added them to the NFL and every televised college football game. Honestly, I can’t stand Hank Wiliams Jr and Carrie Underwood shouting at me, twice a week.


Well, the real good news is that’s...potentially criminal.

Once you get used to them, trackballs can be fantastic for gaming. I’ve been using the M570 and its predecessors for something like 20 years now. My precision for small movements is just fine, and a quick flick of the thumb can give you a 180 in something like Overwatch with no sweat at all. Instead of having to pick

The only thing I do is on fps I bind the E key to be an alternate to the left mouse button for firing.


You’re right, you’ve earned the right to lump everyone you disagree with in the same pile. The same thing people on that side keep saying they are standing up against. It’s so weird to think that people who keep saying they don’t want to be thrown into a stereotypical pool based on sexual nature, race, religion,

I made no “claims” I hypothesized that Comey’s actions may have had an effect on the election. May have, I didn’t say he did.

They could provide evidence by laying out how the hack occurred.

Mmmm idk. It’s still irresponsible reporting to be reporting that there was some “hacking.”

You mean like how all those foreign governments gave money to the Clinton foundation in order to gain access to the Sec State? Or how Bill Clinton met with the government official who was investigating his wife, during the investigation? And how odd that the Clinton Foundation is now defunct since Hillary lost the

Really? can you produce or provide a link? I do know who did influence our elections. The DNC. Remember when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had to step down after the leaked emails revealed that she and others colluded to put Hillary on the ballot over Bernie, regardless of what the voters wanted?

The notion that any foreign power could have taken this clever and dreadfully powerful tack is sickening to say the least.