Ghost of Mr Chicken

Getting liberals working together is like herding cats. Too many egos and not enough plans for long, sustainable action.

“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”-Will Rogers. Still applicable today.

Thank you. So fucking sick of articles like Daum’s that waste so much energy bitching about how all these protests aren’t 100% perfect and inclusive and therefore somehow deserving of more anger than, you know, Trump and the actual assholes in power. Fuck that shit.

The one thing the conservatives get right about liberalism is that the time for identity politics has passed. People want to be liberal, but they feel excluded.

So what was the actual clearly defined GOAL of the women’s strike? What did it hope to accomplish? I think that’s one of the issues here — the actual goals are not clearly defined, as they most definitely were during the civil rights movement.

There should always be debate and discussion. But in 2017, that’s tough to come by when it’s just people writing articles or posting comments and not actually engaging with those who hold another viewpoint.

I disagree, I think the unwillingness to accept debate and discussion within a movement is far more dangerous.

Isn’t Jezebel prompting this kind of in-fighting constantly tho??? If there’s anything good, there’s a ‘gotcha’ article about it on Jezebel.

Only beginning? Muslims have been killing each other for centuries.

JFC, do you have to post this stupid fucking meme on every fucking shooting story. Show some goddamn compassion and just stop with this bullshit. This goes beyond “gun nuts”. If you haven’t been paying attention, there is serious shit going on with the Muslim community. This is not the time.

That this act of hate and barbarism took place there is incredibly heartbreaking, though I am sure the citizens will rally around the victims and families.

Some people see a tragedy and think, “How can I help?”

JFC, do you have to post this stupid fucking meme on every fucking shooting story. Show some goddamn compassion and just stop with this bullshit. This goes beyond “gun nuts”. If you haven’t been paying attention, there is serious shit going on with the Muslim community. This is not the time.

You mean that the 15,000 people that weren’t gonna vote for her anyway can’t be blamed for Nixon in a Pantsuits’ lack of winning?

Reality check- the ones that voted for Bernie aren’t the ones that cost Hillary the election. Stop being butt hurt that Hillary lost. She was a horrible candidate and she is the reason we have Trump.

Keep blaming everyone except the DNC and HRC. That will help.

I voted for Clinton, but given hindsight, I should’ve voted for Stein. Maybe if enough people stopped voting for shitty candidates, they’d stop forcing them on us.

Trump’s so terrible we can run anyone we want against him and win in a landslide!

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” can just as easily be used to argue for denying refugees. Plenty of Europeans would say the safety of their country’s citizens outweighs the needs of Syrian refugees.

Please explain how the taxi drivers choosing to take a one-hour break/protest/whatever helped even one refugee. Just one.