Umm... White people are a pretty diverse group.. so there are some White people that haven’t heard this song.. but for most Whites of who have been alive in the 70s or 80s they have probably heard this song and enjoyed it..
Umm... White people are a pretty diverse group.. so there are some White people that haven’t heard this song.. but for most Whites of who have been alive in the 70s or 80s they have probably heard this song and enjoyed it..
Fuck this stupid Kanye shit. Have some fucking respect.
He is black. You are on Jezebel. They are signaling to everyone how not racist they are. It is fucking stupid and one of the many reasons modern progressives are insufferable.
He’s black.
This is Jezebel and not Gawker. This place used to be all about entertainment, fashion and women issues. Now it’s slowly picking up the pieces Gawker left behind. But it’s not Gawker. It will only go into so much.
No, you’re not alone. Especially with what’s going on with politics and the mood in this country, we need a push to bring everyone back to civility and respect towards each other and grace and all that shit. And Stanfield here really isn’t helping anything.
Tom Lassally had the perfect response even if he didn’t mean it as snark. The best way to put someone down who is too full of himself is to remind them how small they are. I too have no clue who that guy is.
Hell naw.
The thing is, this isn’t a partisan issue. Every country worth living in has rules about immigration and many are far more efficient about addressing undocumented immigrants than we are. I grew up in a border state and plenty of Democrats, including those whose parents immigrated as refugees, wanted to see an end to…
They ARE living the good life. They scam and go to college for FREE, go abroad for FREE, get into exclusive recruiting events, etc. I’m still paying off my loans and couldn’t go abroad because I couldn’t afford it. Fuck them, they’re parasites. And to top it off, how do they repay the US? By displaying thanks and…
So take a fucking citizenship test and pay your fucking taxes. It’s not like the US is preventing citizenship or legal visa acquisition.
Controversial, as in meaning unpopular.
This girl is fake. Whoever used this Twitter used images that were of two different girls, readily available from 2015-2016. It’s been proven a hoax. Stop enabling them.
Rural Americans are not everyday Americans. They’re a shrinking minority, many of whom benefit from an obscene amount of federal welfare programs for subsistence (the same welfare programs they malign black and brown people for getting), and have little to no desire to affect any sort of positive change in the… dare those guys not break the law to support my cause!
Y’all I live in Brownsville, TX. I can throw a rock and hit Mexico. Is it supposed to mean something when they say she didn’t travel internationally? I’ve never asked a mosquito, but I just assume they don’t follow the proper protocols when crossing the border.
Bad comparison — white people can be Muslim, too. Should be more concerned with 8th-century thoughts in someone’s head rather than color
More like, “Get ready for *crickets* on Gawkebel.”
Attacker was a Muslim Somali refugee armed with a car and a machete.
Nice display of pathetic white guilt and “progressive” virtue-signalling, though. You get 2 Jezebel SJW Brownie Points!
But don’t pray too hard...I announced on Facebook that my grandfather was in the hospital, battling cancer; so many people prayed for him that he got super strong and ended up destroying like half the hospital wing. It took 9 horse tranquilizers to bring him down, it was awful.