The voice of treason

As long as the intended meaning is conveyed and understood by the intended parties then check(que) the box on a successful communication. Language and spelling are tools that should evolve with society. I'd swap out "lazy bastards" with "efficient." I remember standing outside a pharmacy in my home town when I was

"To do two things at once is to do neither."
-Publilius Syrus (a long dead Assyrian)

1. I did say "ex." Only end to a relationship where I seriously contemplated a restraining order.

"all those damn periods are going to kill me by the end of the season."

As someone that owns a spine, I'm confused….impressed, but mostly confused.

Nerd is what you call someone who is not afraid to be into something at least mildly intellectual. It's also another word for boss. (Disclaimer: Should not be applied as a rule)

That's the thing, "we" know exactly where the reactions come from. Some men cling to a sense of superiority (or old-school masculinity) the way sailors cling to battered life rafts. As you've stated, you believe those behaviors are ingrained in the male psyche. We are supposed to grow wiser with age, which requires

Here's the concern I have. You equate laughing at all the men taking to twitter to whine about being left out of a tampon ad, with the supposed chipping away at the acceptable exchanges boys and men can have with one another. I'm guessing you've never been to war (or even played a lively game of Monopoloy) if that's

Gyne-know a good pun when I see one.

All the time? Is it my voice or Morgan Freeman's? Does it make you anxious? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I'll think you'll be fine.

I'm only here to recognize my doppelganger. You, with your use of concentric circles. Me with my use of a spider's web (albeit, difficult to recognize in thumbnail).

I instinctively knew this existed.

Thanks for the correction. Do you know if they still use those light up signs that face live audiences that prompt for laughter, applause, and the like?

While it's hardly the sole reason I never watched more than one episode + pieces, The Big Bang Theory's laugh track became the only thing I could hear. And the producers decided every other line was a good place to put them. If my memory serves me, Seinfeld was the only show I watched where the laugh track didn't

L-I-V-I-N (late to the party)

Hey, now. Let's keep it white…I mean light, I said LIGHT dammit!

"Are you not ENTERTAINED?"

I really enjoyed the pacing of that bit.

Formulaic plots are at the top of my list for reasons to stop watching. It's still a little premature to judge, but it makes me anxious. I'm looking forward to a villain Barry doesn't manage to defeat by the end of the episode, but he's got to get his feet under him (in a manner of speaking). The single episode

Does anyone else get hung up on little details like why the villains' clothes (and accessories - gotta have nice accessories) imbue the same powers as the villains themselves? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see a hundred naked clones running around or discover the full extent of The Mist's baldness, but they at