The voice of treason

Oh well, comments like his predictable and trite, but I read it anyway. So despite his spoiler, I'll probably still watch the film hoping to see some tits.

Go to Facebook and browse the comments section on NPR's piece for this film. Delicious!

You're still in the metric system. Here are some helpful conversions:

So you watched the preview too, huh?

OH wow! Another racist tired of racial commentary! How fresh and hilarious!

Men in Tights is the only Robin Hood movie worth watching.

said, no one from Omaha, Nebraska, ever.

*someone yells Beat it*
*Epic Records execs cock their heads*
*Beat remixed in next posthumous Michael Jackson album featuring Tupac*

Fast 7: The Quick and the Dead

Quit yur internettin' at the dinner table!

If you play Lana Del Ray backwards, it improves 10-fold. As an alternative, you could mess with the speed settings while listening to help her find the pitch she was looking for.

Sorry, I left out "I'm not trying to be offensive, but…."

I've been to that street. I couldn't find a used Urban Outfitters t-shirt anywhere!

Vinyl can be made in any color, both translucent and opaque. So you can do shades of grey, or perhaps just a splash of yellow. Have fun!

If it's not fun anymore because "everyone else is doing it" than you most certainly are a vinyl hipster whether you're trying or not.

We should wait at least 30 minutes after eating before engaging in heavy burlaping.

Trust me, as a college professor I hear that argument often. I also had similar feelings as a student. And I was a non-traditional student, meaning I didn't go straight to college after high school and had a little more time to figure out what I wanted to pursue. But how could you possibly know that what you don't

You would rather sit through a class about "pop culture" than learn history? Were you one of those guys I overheard on the bus several years ago declaring, "Man! I am never stepping foot in another library after I graduate!" I know, I know…when has learning from the past ever made anyone a better person?

Agent Will Thisbe Ontheexam

"Non Tenure-Track faculty members, ASSEMBLE!"