
Look here man, if I can’t watch skinny nordic people ski around on flat ground and shoot guns at stationary targets, then let’s cancel the whole thing.

Yes of course the “children”. What are those adults called again? Bronies?

He has the memory and skin tone of a diseased goldfish.

Blizzard, under Morhaime, canceled the Diablo 3 expansion, not Activision. It’s important to note that even before Activision executives began entering the company, Blizzard was making plenty of bad or questionable decisions.

I think Zemeckis is past the point where such people will cut him slack for his CGI tinkering.

genuinely can’t wait to hate watch this on edibles in the middle of the day and laugh like de niro in cape fear.

My sister said to me the other day, “Isn’t Maroon basically Navy Red?” To which I replied yes, but it also means to leave someone stranded, which I guess leads to a nautical or naval connotation to it. 

And yet again, the free market Randians don’t understand how free speech works.

Reporter asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders about potential plans to pay for the border wall: “Have you done the math on that?”

“Why can’t people just judge me on the content of my skin tone, and not my character?”



With all these things regarding CBS coming to light, I can’t help but think about Bob Barker and HIS crap.

So, let me make it clear - fuck this show, fuck CBS, and fuck Weatherly’s disingenuous ‘apology’ which is ‘sorry you were offended.’ Fuck the members of the crew that repeated his crude ‘jokes.’ AND (not but, and) good for Dushku getting paid out for a four year contract. I’m not saying #WorthIt, I suspect she would

She should have driven a stake through his heart

This is the chance the Spin Doctors have been waiting for!

No thank you.  Anchorman 2 was beyond disappointing.

I could not stand Mary Poppins as a kid. It’s interminably long, makes London look like the dullest place on earth, has too many twee youngsters being insufferable, and Mary Poppins herself terrified me on some deep level I wasn’t able to identify as a kid. It’s one of those magical childhood things that’s clearly

Paul Ryan you are a fucking murderer. So are all the grotesque pieces of garbage that voted with you.

Not really, they kept taking it out of the cows ass.