
Good job going out on top.

Honestly, I thought that was the best part of the whole episode.

This, along with Half Life 3 are at the top of my “Things I used to get excited about, but now just cant give a shit anymore” list.

Only commenting here because I just binged the fourth season of Schitt’s Creek and saw Dan Levy in the picture.

Seriously, what the fuck?

Get this Cunt off of TV. She doesn’t belong there. Send her the way of Glen Beck.

What not to do:

The Democrats would be in power if they weren’t spineless, disconnected, feckless tools who are too busy sniffing their own farts to realize they have been getting their asses whipped for 10 years. Stop blaming the people who came out to vote despite not liking their choices.


“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

Goddamned jingleists. 

It is October 1, shouldn’t Megyn be concerned about the ramping up of the war on Christmas and that Jesus and Santa are white?

Great political comedy is satire, and satire requires that the targets of your satire aren’t inherently self-satirizing. Ten years ago a TV show or movie that depicted what’s happening now would have been universally dismissed as preposterously unrealistic.

this is pushing the limits of my “i’ll see John C. Reilly in anything” rule...

This sounds so bad that I’m wondering whether Seth MacFarlane is actually trying to get Fox to fire him and this is going to end up backfiring in a Mel Brooks Producers-style kerfuffle, only with less actual comedy

Regardless of whether Kavanaugh is innocent or guilty, the most horrifying aspect of this is Republican women trying to normalize sexual assault, asking “what 17-year-old boy hasn’t done this?”

Trump said he would fix factory worker’s problems. That’s all they wanted to hear. He had to idea how to do it, but that false hope was enough.

I love relitigating 2016. There’s no downside to arguing over the past. So much less risk than figuring out how to win in 2018.  Let’s keep this up forever. 

This is the whole fucking point.