
Also, if Happytime Murders had taken a few more cues from that film and focused less on the rote whodunit and more on the funhouse-mirror L.A. where it takes place.

Good riddance. The poster child of lowest common denominator, lazy sitcom writing. 

How did this get made?

Trump ruined more lives before he was even in office than “The Iceman” ever took.

As soon as I saw this on the front page, I immediately thought “Looks like somebody’s been watching Chip and Ironicus!”

Aww yeah, Chip and Ironicus are the guys that got me hooked on watching Let’s Plays to begin with. Excellent production values, good banter, fun high level gameplay, it’s the whole package.

My favorite grocery store also partnered with Wahlburgers to bring his shitty food to Iowa. True story to promote this they placed life size cutouts of Marky Mark around their stores and I walked right into one of them

...just sayin’.

I’m clutching my punk rock pearls.

He was free to express himself. And he was free to get his ass kicked. The system still works. 

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

Right? I watched the first episode and was just stunned. i was sure I had missed something, like this was some high concept thing that I wasn’t getting.


It’s not an acronym, it’s an initialism!

Not enough people have complained about Last Man on Earth being cancelled, and that makes me unpleased. That show should’ve been huge

Ken Jennings would be fun as host.

C-bus Pride! I’m just glad Momo Ghar expended so now I can actually get a seat and eat it.

Damn, Nepalese food is great and underrated. Good on anyone who helps get the word out.

How about a chicken place that’s only open on Sundays?