
Trebek counters by continuing to be famous, successful, and decidedly NOT a loser.

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

Burning seems harsh. Can’t we first just toss him in a lake and see if he floats?

FINALLY! It’s about damn time an old white dude with a mustache publicly moralized about how things should be.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

Can you hear it? That’s the sound of thousands of Youtubers pretending to be scared while they record their Let’s Plays. A true sign that Halloween season is in full swing.

Maybe its magic armour

It’s strange how the Clintons fail to kill anyone of consequence that would make their lives easier. It’s almost like this conspiracy theory about them murdering their enemies is complete and total bullshit.

The Irish dilemma. If you have a potato do you eat it now or wait for it to ferment and drink it.

I am hoping to be wrong, but are terrorists running his twitter?

The ring gear--you mean, the Ass of the Rising Sun pants? The Glitter-Explosive Diarrhea trousers? Sunshine Farts bottoms?

Can we leave the mlp shit to Jezzabel or 4chan

Jawsome! Wait — wrong series.

Easy, watch the new Evil Dead show. Old and out Ash, living in his past glory, a has been..but when shit goes down, still manages to be badass as fuck.

It’s no secret that Duke Nukem Forever was not particularly well received. As a self-described snob of first person

YEAH. Fuck people who have opinions about things. They should just shut up and keep their opinions to themselves. Nobody wants to see an online discussion of a mass-media portrayal of a cultural touchstone character and a landmark story in that character’s history. Why is anybody even discussing this? People should

So they basically just doubled down on the most critically panned part of The Killing Joke by making the fridge even deeper?

I might be wrong but I think this quite a bit older then Stardew valley.