
It was pretty funny when he punched Carlos Mencia. 

How long until TV’s Zachary Levy only does Christian/Right Wing propaganda films? I would not be shocked to see him in Sound of Freedom 2 or some Pure Flix piece of shit.

Even without the controversy attached to it, Hogwart’s Legacy always looked like the kind of games that you sorta want to play but are okay waiting for it to eventually go on sale before you buy it. 

Someone didn’t see Double Team. 

I find the phallic shape most amusing.

it’s never a good idea to give Activision money

I know way too many people whose lives have been ruined by the opioid epidemic to enjoy whimsical look at all that pain and suffering. 

Can’t believe Zack hates KC Green and refuses to give him credit for creating the “This is fine” comic. That’s pretty shitty and I’m going to keep bringing it up. 

so you still ain’t going to credit KC Green? that’s pretty fucked up 

I like the one with Cid

Isn’t it amazing that the It’s Fine meme popped out of thin air and wasn’t created by a cartoonist who should probably be credited? 

How about giving KC Green credit?

Critics being wrong about a horror movie when it came out that later becomes a beloved classic? That never happens! Apropos of nothing, did you know The Shining was nominated for multiple Razzy awards when it came out?

RIP Bill Paxton he was so finger lickin’ good in Near Dark. The best vampire movie to come out in 1987. Suck it The Lost Boys fans.

I too enjoy the Superman cartoon. 

My favorite Sandler album was What the Hell Happened To Me? but that first one is pretty good too. 

God bless them for trying to make a live action One Piece. That seems like an impossible and thankless task I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I hope it turns out great but I’m not going to be pissed if it sucks because again it seems like an impossible task.

Voted No at that exact polling place in Columbus. There is a Chinese buffet in the same plaza I used to frequent before the pandemic hit and the idea of eating at a buffet gives me anxiety.

It really is the most 2000 movie ever made because one of Dracula’s victims is singer Vitamin C.

I’d watch a Joe Fixit movie.