
Who listens to these celebrity podcasts? Like I get it if the person is known for being entertaining like Conan O’Brien but why would I listen to Prince Harry or Barrack Obama when I can listen to two guys in Tennessee make fun of bad Kickstarters.

The only thing I spoiled for myself was how to expand the battery because I kept getting pissed that my ATV of Death kept running out of juice too quickly. Once you figure it out you’ll be swimming in batteries.

Now playing

Steve Martin’s Penis Beauty Cream is now a reality.

Tom Holland should give horror a chance. Elijah Wood was amazing in that Maniac remake and I bet he would be amazing in a remake of Basket Case or Brain Damage.

can’t stop canon events

I think he’s talented and a good Spider-Man but nothing I’ve seen him in outside of those Spidey movies has been very good. He should start playing weirdos because it worked for Elijah Wood. 

Batman Returns is my favorite live action Batman movie and one of my favorite Christmas movies but I don’t want to see a CGI Michael Keaton flipping around like Yoda from Attack of the Clones.

Freevee has some neat stuff but it can’t compete with all the amazing trash you can find in the depths of the Tubi archives.


It looks bad going by the trailers why are we pretending it doesn’t? 

I hope that show I like wins

The trailer looked horrible and as much as I love those Tim Burton Batman movies I don’t want to see a CGI Michael Keaton flipping around like Yoda from Attack of the Clones.

I remember chatbots from high school. How retro!

I figured out the three prong thing pretty quick but I had to make a long ass pole to beat the pinball temple. 

You could tell something was there with Banshee plus even watching the pilot you go this is much better than what I was expecting from a “Cinemax Original”. With Citadel you watch the first episode and you can tell they ain’t got nothing special there and it ain’t gonna get better. 

The Tick only got two season but we gonna let Citadel cook.

My dream Star Wars game is if they just let Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio make a Yakuza/Like a Dragon spin-off set in that universe. 

Removing his skin is tough but fair. 

I remember being so disappointed by that first Expendables movie. The only action scene worth a damn was Jet Li fighting Dolph Lundgren. 

and he’s free to face the consequences of what he said just like I’m free to call you a piece of shit