
Don’t forget Oprah gave a platform to Jenny McCarthy so she could spout her anti-vax bullshit.

As a huge fan of the Runaways comic before Joss Whedon ruined it I hope they fire that Hulu series into the sun. 

people still watch talk shows?

It’s clearly for show.

Everyone at Kotaku kisses a picture of Bobby Kotick on the lips before playing an Activision-Blizzard game.

it’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

All he’s got is those Spider-Man movies and Cherry 2. 

Is Ted Lasso the show with the the two t-rexes fucking or the one with Zach Cherry? Either way good stuff.

I must have seen those first three Indiana Jones movies and those two Tim Burton Batman movies at least several dozen times each but I have absolutely no desire to see Indy 5 or The Flash.

when it doubt just make a really big pole

I felt like an idiot because it took me two days to realize you could just ascend through a cave/well and not have to fast travel out. I think we all have a few of those moments that make us go “I’m an idiot for not figuring this out sooner” which makes this game so great.

Don’t watch her is all I can say. I’ve been on Twitch since it was called and I stick to my little niches of retro gaming, pro wrestling, arts & crafts, people showing/editing weird videos, and comedy podcasts who have channels too. It’s just crazy to me that there all these “famous” streamers getting insane

I would get into Magic if it had Godzilla shit. 

Aragorn isn’t real. 

come on grab your torches and pitchforks Nintedo patched a game!!! 

I still think Eric Roberts is a great actor and he has been in movies so terrible that you’d beg to watch Dirty Grandpa instead.

I don’t fully know who or what an Amouranth is but these articles always have the nicest and most polite comments. 

I’m going to take a big sip of coffee before I look to see if MGS 4 is part of the collection. 

DeSantis trying to prove that Charisma is purely a dump stat. 

I pulled a muscle groaning too hard at the name FaZe Clan yet again.